The average time it takes to read a text message is five seconds. At a velocity of 55 mph, that’s enough time to travel the interval of a full football field. The typical person may not realize it, but one out of every four accidents in the U.S. is caused by texting while driving (“Cell Phone”). Likewise, that is about half the percentage of accidents kindled by drunk driving. Driving preoccupied is injurious; furthermore, adding texting into the equation yields the greatest amount of accidents. One text could alternate a person’s entire life, or worse, cease their life. The danger of texting while driving is an outlandish issue that can be diminished by prohibiting its use and offering phone-disabling devices in vehicles. Texting and driving not only influences the people in the accident, but at the same time, their family and friends moreover. Forty percent of teens in America admit they have been in a moving vehicle where the driver used a cell phone (“The Dangers”). The vehicles colliding is just the beginning of all the misery that comes from this atrocious choice. The victims’ families also have to deal with the greatest tragedy of all, losing a loved one. Just sending one quick message increases the crash risk 23 times than if you were undistracted (“The Dangers”). The optimum method to hinder people from using their phone is to store it in a place where it’s inaccessible. That is just one method, however, there are a few more ways to keep people from
Automobile crashes as a result of texting while driving is an epidemic that has taken over the nation in the past years. In today’s society, people have become more and more dependent on technology as everyday uses. How many can honestly say that they have text and driven? How many have had to swerve, stop on the brakes or almost gotten into an accident because of it? Texting while driving is the most common thing that almost everyone has done or seen. The main issue and threat is that people think they can safely type on their phone while driving; while others simply do not think there is any real danger with that act. Today, it is all about convenience; but the cost for this convenience can be very deadly. Studies show that any
Texting and driving has become a recent issue in today's society and is one of the largest epidemics to sweep our nation. The progression of text messaging, with more capable phones and larger numbers of people engaging than ever before, has turned into one of the largest distractions in our world. Many teens, as well as adults, have formed a habit of using their cell phones while driving their cars. Several people do not think that a quick text or even a glance at a phone while they are driving will do any harm. A great bit of accidents has taken place due to a careless individual that decided to look at their phone while they were in the process of driving. These days, phones have gotten even more
In this age of multitasking, the use of cell phones is combined with assignments like cooking, driving, babysitting, walking, doing college assignments and even eating. Whereas the use of cell phones while doing some chores might be simply annoying, the consequence of using cell phone with driving can be fatal. Recent polls by the Pew Research Center and other researchers show that about fifty to ninety percent young Americans admit using their cell phone while driving. This includes about thirty six percent who said they texted or typed something whiles driving. (Lopresti-Goodman, Rivera, & Dressel, 2012). The practice of using phone particularly texting while driving has increased the number of distracted driving accidents. When the cell phone records of people involved
magine being at an intersection, and just when you think no one is there, you proceed to step on the gas, and you get text from your friend saying “ Where you at bro?” thinking since it’s your friend you look down at your phone for a split second, but then you lose focus and let go of the wheel slightly and end up turning onto the other lane which put in a dangerous situation, luckily there wasn 't any cars coming. These are the type of disasters that texting while driving can cause.
Cell phones have become an essential part of many peoples’ lives as they are one of the main sources of communication. People are able to complete many tasks using their phones, such as making phone calls, sending and receiving e-mails, text messaging, and even snapping photos. Cell phones are not only beneficial, but they are impactful in many ways. As many positive uses there are for cell phones, cell phone usage can be undoubtedly precarious while driving. Cell phone usage while driving is many times done irresponsibly and can put the driver at risk of getting injured. In addition to the driver getting injured, innocent pedestrians could also potentially lose their lives or be crippled due to a texting person who was driving at the same time. According to The Federal Communications Commission, “over 8 people are killed and approximately 1,161 are injured daily in incidents reported as distraction-affected crashes in the United States.” Texting while driving has become the number one distraction of drivers and main cause of car crashes. These crashes could result in hundreds of thousands of people either losing their lives or experiencing life-changing injuries. Although cell phone usage is an effective way to communicate with others and to complete certain tasks, it has become problematic for drivers in recent years as it increased the risk of injury and death while driving. For these reasons, texting while driving should be illegal and punishable by law.
Did you know every day your life is put at risk because of other’s bad driving habits? Well, when I first got my driver’s license I believed I was prepared to drive, but I was wrong. I still needed to learn about all the hazards around myself. Habits are tough to break when becoming attached, even though various habits are illegal. However, speeding, texting while driving, and driving under the influence of alcohol are a few of the many extremely common habits drivers use daily.
Over the past decade, we have seen an increase in a number of car accidents. Innocent lives have been taken away, because of reckless driving by humans due to the misconception of multitasking. To prevent these acts of violence, many states have passed laws that inhibit drivers from using a cellular device. To bring awareness of this impulsive act numerous cell phone providers and advocates have started campaigns such as “it can wait” and “stop text stop wrecks”. Yet, there are still people who take careless action that jeopardize other’s life. Cell phone use is an epidemic problem that is dangerous and unlawful. Recent studies show cell phone use while driving has much greater effect than driving intoxicated.
Since the beginning of the smart phone era, humanity has come to build relationships with not only people, but their electronic devices. From talking on their phones and exploring apps, to texting while driving, people cannot seem to put down their smart-devices. According to the passage Introduction to Cell Phones and Driving: At Issue, the average amount of texts people send daily runs from around 40 – 110 (2015). It may not seem like the highest number, but knowing that more than half of those messages are sent while driving makes the matter of texting a lot worse. At this point in time, there have been laws prohibiting texting and driving as well as talking on the phone. Yet, to this day, those laws are null and void; regardless, the talking and texting while driving never stops. Although this phenomenon happens daily and causes many minor and major accidents, the probability of seizing this behavior is little to none.
As a result of millions of injuries and deaths among the people of our country, cell phone use, and more specifically texting while driving, has become a big issue. Since texting and driving is a big issue, there are active and upcoming ways to stop it. Throughout the recent years, there have been hundreds of campaigns as well as ads on television, and in magazines to convince people to stop the use of cell phones while driving. Technology in cars is also being built to address the issue of texting and driving behind the wheel. There needs to be steps taken to address the rising number of cell phone related accidents, and if these don’t adequately help the situation, then there needs to be law enforcement set up to keep people off of
Being the cause of a cell phone related accident can leave a person unable to handle the consequences of their actions. There is great concern regarding the dangers of distracted driving. This is made evident by legislation that has been put in place in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (2011), nationwide, 34 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam have enacted texting bans. Current data from the National Safety Council (2010) suggest that each year, at least 1.6 million traffic accidents (28% of all crashes) in the United States are caused by drivers talking on cell phones or texting. The U.S. Department of Transportation (2011) states that nine states, the District of Columbia, and
According to Brad Stulberg of the Huffington Post, each day in the United States, over nine people die and more than 1,150 people are injured due to distracted driving (2). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website defines distracted driving as “driving while doing another activity that takes your attention away from driving” (distracted). There are three types of driver distraction. The first type, visual, means not looking at the road. The second type, manual, is not having your hands on the wheel and the third type, cognitive, means not paying any attention to your driving. Texting while driving is the most dangerous form of distracted driving because it combines all three types (Stulberg 2). As cell phones have become more popular, so has the number of injuries and deaths due to distracted driving (Hoff, et. al 31). A national law that prohibits the use of cell phones for all drivers should be made because of the dangers this action causes not only to the drivers, but also to others around them.
Imagine being at an intersection, and just when you think no one is there you proceed to step on the gas, and you get text from your friend saying “ Where you at bro?” thinking since it’s your friend you look down at your phone for a split second, but then you lose focus and let go of the wheel slightly and end up turning onto the other lane which put in a dangerous situation, luckily there wasn 't any cars coming. These are the type of disasters that texting while driving can cause.
It’s time to stop texting while driving. Most of the accidents are accused of distracted driving and most of the distractions are most of the time caused by cell phones. However, some opponents feel that creating a law against cell phone use infringes their personal rights. Other people assume that prohibiting from someone from using their cell phone is the same thing in just like telling someone that they can't adjust their radio or chat with someone else in the car. However, using a cell phone, whether you are texting or talking, while driving can be extremely dangerous; That should be made illegal in the fact that it is very hazardous to
In today’s day and age, technology has drastically increased. People seem to rely on the use of their devices more than anything. Typically, whenever and wherever, everyone is engaged in some form of technology, cell phones in particular. From pagers, to car phones, to initial “flip-phones”, and now to smart-phones, people practically use up most of their daily time with these devices. Nowadays, a lot of people doesn’t even like to have phone conversations…they can deliver their entire thought through a simple text message. In some retrospect, that’s a very good thing; in others, it can be extremely crucial, especially when it comes to texting and driving. Texting and driving has been the leading cause of car accidents in the recent years,
Cell phones began as big, clunky machines only few people could afford. They became more popular as they reduced the size of them, eventually so that they could fit comfortably in jean pockets. Cell phones were then able to send text messages, and it started out popular and remains that way still today. Texting is used to send someone a quick message that they can read at any time. Texting is used as an alternative of calling someone as it is easier and more convenient. Although texting is easily assessable, it can end up very dangerous in some ways. Texting and driving for instance, it can end up being easy and other times end up deadly. With that being said, using phones while driving should be banned altogether because, the driver is distracted and not paying attention to the road and could harm themselves or others on the road with him/her.