The dangers of the industrial revolution is that the employees begin to hold less value in their pursuits and the employer begins to hold less value in the people they employ as everything becomes more mechanized. hard work become devalued as it can now be done at the push of a button. as industrialization continues there is less incentive to employ adult males as women and children work for even lower wages and there also little incentive to insure the safety of those who are employed as they can be replaced by anyone at anytime as the jobs that they do are not difficult and can be done by anyone willing to work for cheap.
The Industrial Revolution not only changed business and economics, but urban lifestyle. The changes occurring were mostly negative, however, and constructed a need for reform. These were times where the product and consumer demand drove business, not socialist working reforms This is all best seen in Manchester where worker’s living conditions deteriorated to improve the business until they were initially met with meager reform, all while the city kept expanding to accomodate. The worker’s living conditions largely deteriorated as Manchester was forced to expand.
The industrial revolution was a period of tremendous growth and prosperity through the modernization and creation of factories. The advancements were monumental for economic growth, but negatively affected its workers. Workers were forced to work tremendously long hours with many safety hazards. Although, the working conditions have overall improved since the eighteen hundreds issues still arise. For example, the first document I read discussed a fatal fire in Bangladesh.
Although the Industrial Revolution had its pitfalls and negative parts it was overall a positive thing because of things like higher standards of living and incredible technological advancements. In the beginning, the cities were a special form of hell due to the throngs of people flooding to the cities and jumpstarting urbanization “the streets are unpaved, full of holes, filthy, and strewn with refuse.” (Document 7, Friedrich Engles). This was no doubt a pitfall of the Industrial Revolution. The lack of sanitation in the cities lead to deaths from diseases like cholera and housing was cramped and lacking.
The Industrial Revolution began in Great in late 1700’s. Where many inventions increased the manufactured goods. Soon, people all over the country were turning to more complex machines that could perform tasks faster and more efficiently than human labor alone. In the Industrial Revolution there were many impacts and effects. Both short term and long term positives and with that always comes negatives. The short term negatives included child labor, poor working conditions, untreated human waste, deaths and hygiene issues. Also short term positives such as less deaths at birth, more produced goods and increased life expectancy. Along with short term effects also came long term impacts. The negative long terms impacts include population growth,
The Industrial Revolution began in England during the late 1700s. It came with a wide range of both positive and negative effects for the economy and the people. Looking back from today, the Industrial Revolution was definitely a positive thing, as people now have a high standard of living with lots of conveniences. One must also acknowledge the people living during the Industrial Revolution and how they viewed the Industrial Revolution as a bad thing that came with many negative effects. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of the terrible living conditions and hazardous working conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects
The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in history that took place between 1760 and the mid 1800’s. During this time frame, a variety of different machines were invented and put in factories to make workers and everyday people’s lives easier. These machines had to be run by people such as women and even children because the men were mostly in coal mines. Some of the many negative consequences about these new jobs and new machines being invented were; child labor, physical abuse on the job, and unsafe working conditions. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because more jobs became available, it was actually a negative thing.
England's previous success from the Agricultural Revolution gave leeway to the Industrial Revolution of the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds. Previous landowners and investors of the Agricultural Revolution were able to start or participate Corporations and Businesses to seek great profit. New machinery and technological innovations were frequent due to the demand for faster, more efficient technology. Working class families, who were arguably the sole reason for the grand success of the Industrial Revolution, moved from their farms into crowded and dirty urban towns to work long hours in harsh factories for little pay in hopes of one day living a decent life, while the middle class gained many luxuries and lived lavish lifestyles
One would think industrialization would bring better paying jobs and more employment opportunities, but the stories of the people who lived through the Industrial Revolution say otherwise. Workers faced long days, if not even longer days than those who worked in preindustrial times. Even though work hours were somewhat the same as preindustrial labor, the way those hours were carried out differed greatly. Laborers no longer had the comfort of working alongside and socializing with their families nor the power to control their pace of work. Workers would now be punished and penalized for doing such things. Companies would enforce punctuality and pace usually by correlating it with a worker’s pay. The less punctual and lazier you were, the more fines and the more pay decreases you would suffer. The nature of this new labor emphasized more on the importance of the company rather than the individual. Companies often had little concern when their workers suffered. If someone was incapable of performing their duties, there was always somebody else to take their place. It was unfortunate because many of these workers who were unable to perform well at their job often suffered from
I’ve always wondered how people from 1800’s felt about the Industrialization Era and I’ve also asked myself so many questions. For example, I’ve asked myself “Did they see any benefit or did it bring lots of trouble to the people in the United States”? Sometimes I’ve tried to imagine myself in their place and honestly, I wouldn’t want to be in their place. Industrialization rose to the top when factories started to develop machines like steam engines, railroads, and telegraphs , just to name a few. This machines allowed factories to grow world wide because it made manufacturing easier, traveling faster, and communication better because now people were able to get in contact with people from long distance. The Industrialization Era was the transition from home businesses, where products were usually hand made, to machines making the products in factories. Machines were very helpful in factories and of much use because work was done faster and it brought the companies more money but as for the workers, it wasn’t a good thing because machines took many jobs from them. For the consumers it was also a positive thing because things were more affordable. Although industrialization had many benefits, it also brought negative impacts such as working conditions, low wages, and child labor. In response to this negative impacts, people created unions to help out with this problems because the laws weren’t doing their jobs.
The Industrial Revolution has been viewed as one of the most influential events to occur on to the economic world in the history of modern society. The invention of many new items that all helped people performed certain tasks more efficiently lead the world to be able to produce many more goods in a much shorter time frame. The impact of the Industrial Revolution on the world as a whole was that it catapulted the world economy into an almost frenzy like state, in which people had access to a much wider variety of goods and services offered to them by businesses. The impact that this event had on the worker’s life was not necessarily a good or bad thing, however. With
The businessmen during the industrial revolution in my opinion, had a negative overall effect on American Society. I think that the businessmen, during the Industrial Revolution had an overall negative effect because, from all of the details I collected most of what I found seemed to be negative. For example John D Rockefeller, famous for creating Rockefeller Center, did treat his workers poorly, that should not be followed or replicated by the society of America. Although, he improved his image by giving his money away. Overall he did not create a positive effect but some of what he did, could be learned to replicate in our own lives. Another example is Cornelius Vanderbilt famous for creating Grand Central Station, his work ethic and sense
The Industrial Revolution was a good struggle that Britain had to go through. There were many endeavors that Britain faced. Britain’s Industrial Revolution was a positive outcome that had many negative attributes. Britain’s battle would be similar to running a cross-country race. During a race, you face many labors that you have to go through. Some of these would be feeling too tired, having pain in your legs, or feeling like you want to give up. Compared to Britain, these difficulties that someone has during a race are the hazardous factories or the unsafe working conditions in the coal mines.
Throughout the course of the early 1700s and 1900s the world started to become introduced to the production of machinery. Starting in Europe and expanding into the Americas we today classify this era as the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial revolution put the use of hand tools downward while bringing up the use of factory machines. Factory machines by the late 1800s would soon replace farming with manufacturing at a large scale in the nation. This was seen to be a malificent time, for people from all around the world would be drawn to the Americas. Many came in hopes for a new and better life, but with every opportunity you must be ready to endure the burden. America’s revolution would go as far as impacting the aspects of civilization
The Industrial Revolution had many positive and negative impacts on society. The positive include cheaper clothes, more job opportunities, and improvement in transportation. And the negative would include exploitation of women and children, workers work long hours and environmental damages. These are just a few that I believe had an impact on the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution could possibly be the most important event in the history of our world. Before it, people worked mostly on farms or sold things through the market that were hand crafted. This revolution brought about great change in the ways that we produce goods and the economies of the world. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of the rough working and living conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were an increased standard of living, better means of travel, and more developed countries with better economies.