Assault weapon control is becoming an unavoidable topic in the United States. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation more than nine hundred people have died from mass shootings in the past seven years and an assault rifle was used in twelve of the forty-three mass shootings in the past four years. The U.S. Department of Defense has long defined assault rifles as fully automatic rifles used for military purposes. The National Firearm Act of 1934 prohibited fully automatic weapons in the United States. The 1994 Assault Weapon Ban prohibited semi and fully automatic weapons and any weapon with military style characteristics. California Senator, Dianne Feinstein, is leading the charge in the American government to pass a bill that …show more content…
While there are many assault rifles the highest manufactured and purchased in the U.S. is the AR-15. The AR-15 is a type of semi-automatic weapon that can hold up to 100 rounds and can shoot up to 50 rounds per minute. The U.S. is the highest manufacturer and consumer of these rifles, but similar types are made throughout the world. This weapon is said to be used for hunting coyote or other vermin. However, this weapon was used in the December 14, 2012 mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut and in the July 20, 2012 Century movie theatre mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. These incidences compelled a need for a government response to better control these dangerous weapons. In a 2012 Washington post article by Brad Plumer he looks at what the 1994 law actually did, where it failed, and whether it could be reworked to reduce gun violence. He cited the complexity regarding the definition of an “Assault Weapon.” Since congress did not want to ban all semiautomatic weapons, and there lack of a clear technical definition made the ban more complex and easy to find loop holes. He also states that it was illegal to manufacture assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, there was an exemption to any weapon or magazine that was manufactured before the law was in effect. There was already more than 24 million large capacity magazines available before the ban was in effect so it was easy to obtain a weapon of this
Chili's Grill & Bar in East Haven is a family-friendly spot featuring American and classic Tex-Mex favorites. Stop in for lunch during work, or bring the entire crew for dinner. There's also a full bar for those who want cocktails and beer with their meals. The restaurant includes a kids' menu, vegetarian options and a lighter choices menu so everyone leaves feeling satisfied.
What brought this law about are the tragedies of 2012 that caused ripples in all ideas for assault weapons. The shootings that lead to this are tragic and not to be overlooked.
What are these assault weapons and what makes them so dangerous? This is important to clear up because there are so many different types of weapons with different mechanisms and abilities for taking many lives quickly and brutally. According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) assault weapons are types of semiautomatic and automatic weapons. Semiautomatic firearms shoot one round per single pull of the trigger. After the trigger is pulled and the bullet fired, the ammunition cartridge automatically reloads for the next shot (Study on Sporting 16). The
Assault weapons started being attacked by politicians and lawmakers’ in1989. In Gun Control: The Pros and Cons,I Tom Streissguth says that the
School shootings, gang violence, drive by shootings, murder, and thousands of acts of violence are committed every day. Members of our society criticize their own people for this violence while they continue to sit back and do nothing about it. These acts of violence have many contributing factors. Violence in our country today is escalating because we don't control the distribution of the guns sold. There are not enough restrictions on guns sold legally. The illegal purchase of guns through the black market is out of control. There is not enough education on the usage and storage of guns.
The mounting deaths and associated trauma from mass shootings should motivate us to take action to make needed reforms to our gun laws, focus law enforcement resources on combating illegal gun possession and invest in prevention initiatives proven to reduce gun violence. Assault weapons cause more harm than good when they are able to purchased and owned by private citizens. And while most who do own and use these powerful weapons for harmless, recreational activities or a sense of protection, the fact is that when they fall into the hands of individuals who are not mentally sound enough to possess something of such force, the result is one of horrific tragedy. The government must take into consideration the hundreds of innocent people who have lost their lives as a result of these dangerous weapons, and work on ways to prevent
I scored a 5 on the quiz which placed me right around civil activist. I was very intrigued by the articles, “Bowling Alone” and “Still bowling alone: The Post 9/11 Split” which discussed how the degree engagement in civil activities in the United States has greatly decreased (Putnam, 1995). After reading those articles and reflecting upon my score, I realized how although I engage in civil activities to a degree, I am not as active as I should be. I think that the points Putnam touch upon make a lot of sense and are in my opinion reflective of the changes in society that have occurred over the years such as dependence on technology and the common mindset that we should only worry about ourselves and things that affect us and our lives. I believe
The United States of America is a nation of massacres by military-type assault weapons. Aware of the deadliness of these weapons and due to public safety concerns clearly outweighing the benefits of personal ownership of military-type assault weapons, the United States passed the 1994 Federal Ban on military-type assault weapons. This ban was notably effective during the 10 years it was in effect. However, the Ban automatically expired in 2004. Since that time, the number of U. S. mass murders has markedly increased. Attempts to reinstate the Ban, most recently the stricter 2013 Ban, have all failed. Nevertheless, the less restrictive 1994 Ban did pass the Senate and House of Representatives at one point and was successful. Therefore, the 1994 Federal Ban on military-type assault weapons should be reinstated.
To help apply restrictions, the Gun Control Act of 1968, which was the first gun law, was passed in the wake of the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy earlier that year (“Restricting” par. 4). The 1968 Gun Control Act established categories of prohibited gun purchasers and possessors, including convicted felons, fugitives from justice, minors, individuals with a history of
Every time there is a mass shooting, the government proposes new rules, but they never put them in place because of the National Rifle Association (NRA) is influencing the government, therefore, Congress has not been able to renew or place a ban on assault weapons.
There are numerous types of firearms that are available for people to purchase. But, many in the government are trying to pass the assault weapons ban in the United States. An assault weapon is a semi-automatic firearm with a large capacity magazine. It is considered a military rifle and can cause severe damage. According to Phelan IV, “In December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members with an assault weapon (Phelan IV).” This brought varying opinions on whether an assault weapons should be banned at the federal level. Opponents say assault weapons should not be banned because of the second amendment and because gun control efforts have proved to be ineffective; however, these weapons should be banned in the U.S., as it is rarely used in self-defense and it can build a safer society.
In 2015, 13,367 people lost their lives due to gun violence according to Gun Violence Archive. The Archive also states that out of that number, 693 were children from ages 0-11. We can all agree that there is indeed a problem that we have to address. The solution to that problem, however, has been debated by many. I believe the solution to this problem exists in three parts: Mandatory training and licensing along with more heavily secure gun storage, stricter regulations on the purchasing of a firearm—disabilities and criminal records should be more deeply looked into before transaction—and finally, equipping teachers at highs schools with the right kind of weaponry to prevent mass shootings.
There are way too many innocent life had been taking way by the wrong use of firearm. In December 14, 2012 one of the most heartbreaking mass murder happen at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. A 20-years-old Adam Lanza with a .22-caliber Savage MK II-Bolt action rifle and a Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle broke in the elementary school and killed 27 people included his mom, 20 childrens in the ages of 6-7 and 6 school’s staffs members and shot himself at the scenes. Adam used all the firearms that registered under his mom’s name, source said she many times took him to the shooting range. Adam was also diagnosed with Asperger's also. All those childrens and adults did not do anything to him or even know him, they do not deserve to die like that. All those childrens would never have a chance to see their parent nor have a wonderful futures again. All those staffs would never come home to their family anymore.
Everyday 93 Americans are killed by guns. Whether it is due to homicide or suicide, it does not matter. At the end of the day gun violence is increasing exponentially. In numerous states, gun laws have been placed in the hopes of reducing gun violence. But now many people believe that gun violence should be treated as a public health problem. I for one feel that gun violence should be put in the category of public health. Every year more than 30,000 people are victims to gun related incidents. It has become such an issue that gun violence is causing more deaths than some life threatening diseases.
Guns have been used throughout history for war, hunting, and protection. Since then, the killing capacity and speed of guns has improved dramatically. Guns have been a part of American culture from its roots. However, as times have changed and guns are no longer a necessity, gun control has become increasingly urgent to prevent unnecessary crime and killings. Guns should be banned for everyone but the law enforcement and military. Guns should be banned to prevent mass shootings and lower crime rates, while being supported by history and the constitution.