It was the month of November and the year was 2008. I did not plan on going to the hospital on this day but my mother received a phone call. That one call was my reason for being waken up at 4 a.m. listening to my mom as she reused me to get dressed. One call changed my life forever. A person from the hospital called and said that my grandmother was not breathing normally. After we got to the hospital we find out that the cancer she was diagnosed with has affected her breathing, which caused tubes to be placed in her to make sure she stays alive. I remember hearing all these doctors and nurses ask me and my family to make decisions on the plans for my grandmother. I was only fifteen years old so I did not understand what was really going …show more content…
As inspiring as my grandmother was, in return, I hope I am making her just as proud.
Once my grandmother passed I took her obituary and put it under my pillow so every night I felt as if I was sleeping right next to her. I found doing that was comforting to me because it would help me cope with her death. I then began to use other pictures I had of us when I was younger as a way to help ease the pain I felt along with reminding me of the memories we shared which made me feel as if she was still here.
My grandmother’s death was the first death I have experienced in my family. I have learned to deal with it but I still have not overcome it. It taught me how to be strong and what memories really can do. I am thankful that she got to spend fifteen years of my life with me so I can share everything I learned from her to any person I meet. If it was not for her unconditional love andsupport I would not be able to call myself a freshman at the University of Michigan all my years living, she has been the most influential person in my life as my mentor and friend. I find that with dealing with the difficult experience of her death I must also face the tough obstacle of her not being able to help me move in to collegeand start my new life. I do know
My aunt whom just so happened to be one of my role models passed away. I was devastated. Not only was I confused, but I was lost as well. A woman I looked up to was gone forever. I missed a few days of school and starting falling behind on work. It took me awhile to process my aunt's’ death. I finally realized that I have to move on. I knew that she would not approve of me being sad. I started remembering all of the positive memories my aunt left behind. I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from her. Until this day, I carry what she taught me everywhere I go. I strive harder to make her
Losing a grandparent at the age of 11 and younger was hard enough but losing one at the age of thirty-five hurt just as much. My grandmother is still living, I wasn't as close to them as I was to my other grandparents but there was still a relationship that was built throughout my lifetime. I had the chance to visit my grandfather while he was in the hospital. Regretfully when I went to see him he was too ill to have a conversation with, but my grandmother reassured me that it was ok because he knew I was there. My grandfather was cremated, this was the first time I attended a funeral where I saw a box of ashes holding someone who I loved. His funeral consisted our close family members and my grandfather's remains were placed in a mausoleum. His death affected all of us in one way or another, this was the first time I saw my dad cry. It makes me sad that he is no longer with us but glad he is no longer
Mr. Radley was unemployed, has no source of welfare and lives on welfare. He only comes out to the town to buy groceries for only thirty minutes, his family never went to church and their shutters and doors were mainly always closed. He always avoided his neighbors, however, his family were always the center of attention because of their behavior around
My great-grandmother was the matriarch of my family. When I was in seventh grade, around thirteen years old, she passed away due to breast cancer. This misfortune created an extremely difficult time for me because, not only was I adjusting to the environment of junior high, but many other issues were occurring in my life; this was the third death that I was having to deal with. Unfortunately, one of the previous deaths (that I was still trying to hurdle through and come to terms with), had occurred almost exactly a year before the passing of my great-grandmother. The second death that I had gone through occurred only one or two months before my great-grandma has passed. All of this turmoil created numerous internal conflicts for me, but also taught me a key lesson to keep note of, for the rest of my life.
After a few months had passed, I remember seeing pictures of hanging up at family members houses and just coming across things in my room that she had given to me that always made me tear up and want to just scream and cry. My feelings are pretty much the same today and when I come across things that remind me of her I still tear up, I just remember she is in a better place now. Losing someone who means so much to you can never be easy. Just writing this story made me tear up and just made me remember her more and more. I don’t know what my life would be like today if I did not have her, like I said she was always there for me and when I was a baby, we lived with her because my mom and dad and brother had just moved from Colorado not too long before and were looking at houses so my grandma let us live with her for a while. My hero is my grandma and will always be her no matter
My grandmother, who is the mother of my mom, passed away due to heart failure at the age of 87. Since I was 6 or 7 she had been living in our house. The reason for that was, my grandfather, that I was named after passed away a year before I was born, so she was alone, and she was starting to get old. Since she lived with us for so many years, she had been a very important figure in my life. I can honestly say that she was like a 3rd parent for me, and losing her, made me fell horrible and helpless. I witnessed how real death is because of her passing. Combined with puberty, my grief caused me to become depressed for a long time. As I’m looking back it sounds really extreme, but there were some days that I did not even leave the bed thinking that there was no point to our existence. Thanks to some psychological counselling however, I was able to overcome that mental
It was near the end of my 8th grade school year, about 2 month away from graduation, when something I never expected to happen actually happened. This event really changed my life forever and shaped me into who I am as a person today. I had just arrived at my house after school when my parents received a call that my grandma was ill and that we should come down to check on her. As we rushed down to my grandparents house, my family was deeply concerned about what may have happened because my grandma had never really had many health issues before this. As we arrived at their house and walked through the door, we were greeted with the sight of my grandma sitting in a chair with a blanket around her while she was sleeping. My family’s first reaction
Though some may say, myself included, that the death of a family member is one of the hardest, toughest, traumatic things to deal with, it also comes with a good side. That good side is that it brings people together to not only mourn over a loss, but to celebrate the life of someone great. One can either sink from a situation like this, or one can rise. I feel like my family and I chose to rise from this. We were all changed in so many ways. My grandma, Veronica, was especially changed the most. She and my granddad did absolutely everything together. They
I have to credit most of my courage to my grandmother’s death, I may have only been three years old but I know that I have shown a generous amount of courage and bravery overcoming this. I remember all the times I shared with her and how she was always by my side. I spent every moment with her, she was my rock. I know that our bond would have been unbreakable and I wouldn't have any worries in the world. I feel as though when she left a piece of me left and she had a big effect on my family members. My life would have been totally different. She would have pushed me to go above and beyond, would of told me nothing can stop me I am the best and have to show that. I think about her sometimes and I know she wouldn't want me moping
I can still remember vividly the day my mother passed away. My mother passed away at a critical point in my life when I was seventeen years old from a short term illness. She was sick for a week and I remember thinking this could be serious, however, my mother declined to go to the hospital because of the distance and financial hardship. I had loss my father when I was three years old, so my mother was a single mother. I have step sisters and brother, but I was not particularly close to them. Losing my mother was a defining moment in my life for it changed my life irrevocably. I was devastated, but I had to become strong, proactive and it spurred me to choose a new career path.
Losing my grandmother was one of the worst things that have happened to me. When she died, I knew my life had changed. I watched her take her last breath in the hospital and it was very heartbreaking. She was like my second mom because she was always with me. I didn’t think it would come so soon. Dealing with her death was one of the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to do. It was very hard because it was my second experience of losing someone very close to me around the same time of the year. I had to learn how to cope with losing her. I let all my emotions out, I didn’t listen to what anyone was saying, and I had to remember to take care of myself. Losing my grandmother changed me because she did everything for me. I had to grow up and be more responsible. I had to learn how
October 10th, 2013 at 7:30pm. The day of my grandma death. The day that changed my life forever. The day I will never forget. My grandma was my everything, she was the lady who raised me since I was born. I never had a mother or father, the only person who cared for me was my grandma. The day my grandma died I was in my senior year of high school and I had just came home from cheerleading practice. That was an unusual day for me because when I woke up that morning my grandma wasn't up cooking breakfast like she usually does she was in her bed asleep still. I looked outside and the sun was just rising. I went in her room that morning before I left for school and said these exact words, "Good morning grandma if you’re not feeling well, I could stay home with you and take you to the doctor." In a raspy low voice my grandma replied, "Good morning sweetie I'm okay I was just feeling a little sick this morning but I'm better now. You better get to school now before you are late.” Okay, Grandma Love you, call me if you need me", I replied. On my way to school all I thought about was why my grandma sounded like that this morning and how she wasn't up doing her normal routine. I have never seen my grandma get sick before. She was always the one taking care of me making sure I was okay. But I just pushed the feeling over just thinking my grandma was okay and I was just overthinking. I should've stayed home that day. I should've noticed that my grandma really was sick.
It was a bone chilling January night; my mom received a call at about 11:15 PM, a call that changed my life forever. My Aunt June was on the other line. She was crying so hard my mother could barely understand her. Through the sobbing my mom finally understood that Brian, my cousin, had been in a horrible accident and she didn’t know how bad it was. My mother jumped out of the bed after she hung up the phone. She screamed up the stairs at my sister and me; it was a nerve shrilling scream. I could hear fear in her voice. My mom was always yelling at us growing up if we forgot to do something. She would even get us out of bed to finish something that wasn’t done completely. This particular
An accident last year changed my attitude towards life . That accident had a great impact on me , it taught me to treasure what i have and to treasure those people around me more . Although the accident was not life threatening , it was still the scariest thing i had ever been through in life . It was an accident that no one would have expected and wanted it to happen .
I remember it like it was yesterday, the day that changed my life forever. On March 9th of 2011, my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer in her lung. The doctor gave her about six months to live and this is how it went.