
The Death Of A Man

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Rotwang awoke but he knew quite well he was dead, and this consciousness filled him with the deepest satisfaction. His aching body no longer had anything to do with him. That was perhaps the last remains of life. But something worried him deeply, as he raised himself up and looked around in all directions. Hel was not there.
He must find Hel.
An existence without Hel was over at last. Was this to be a second one? No.
He got up on his feet. That was very difficult. He must have been lying as a corpse for a long while. It was night, too. A fire was raging out there, and it was all very noisy. Human beings shrieking.
He had hoped to be rid of them. But, apparently the Almighty Creator could not get along without them. Now, but one …show more content…

Past those who were raving around the bonfire, always politely avoiding getting in their way, Rotwang quietly groped his way to the cathedral.
Yes, it was his Hel. She receded into the cathedral. He groped his way up the steps. How high the door looked. Coolness and hovering incense received him. All the saints in the pillar niches had pious and lovely faces, smiling gently, as though they rejoiced with him that he was now, at last, to find Hel, his Hel, again.
She was standing at the foot of the belfry steps. She seemed to him to be very pale and indescribably pathetic. Through a narrow window, the first pale light of the morning fell upon her hair and brow.
“Hel,” said Rotwang, his heart streaming over. He stretched out his hands. “Come to me, my Hel. How long, how long I had to live without you.”
But she did not come. She started back from him. Her face full of horror, she started back from him.
“Hel,” begged the man, “why are you afraid of me? I am no ghost, although I am dead. I had to die, to come to you. I have always, always longed for you. You have no right to leave me alone now. I want your hands. Give them to me.”
But his groping fingers snatched into space. Footsteps hurried up the steps of the stone staircase leading to the belfry.
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