
The Death Of Euthanasia And Euthanasia

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Euthanasia has long been a topic of debate and can be characterized as indirectly or directly bringing about the death of another person for that person’s sake. Forms of euthanasia that are most commonly brought up include passive euthanasia, which is the legalized practice where someone is allowed to die by not doing something that would prolong life, and active euthanasia, which involves performing an action that directly causes someone to die. Furthermore, they can be further differentiated depending on whether it is voluntary, meaning they were competent and voluntarily requested it, or non-voluntary, meaning they are not competent to choose for themselves and have not previously disclosed their preferences. Another form of euthanasia, called involuntary euthanasia, involves bringing about the patients’ death against their will or without asking. This form of euthanasia is usually only brought up in slippery slope arguments and at the level of social policy. Physician assisted suicide is similar to active euthanasia and usually supported on the same grounds, except in the former, it is the patient who “kills”, while in the later, it is the physician who “kills” (6). Before assessing the morality of such practices, we should take a look at some common arguments. James Rachels argues that the traditional distinction between killing and letting die is untenable. For Rachels, there is no difference between killing and letting die, and therefore, it would be

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