
The Death Of Ivan Ilych By Leo Tolstoy

Decent Essays

In "The Death of Ivan Ilych" by Leo Tolstoy, he shows how the majority of society is selfish. Tolstoy suggests how even though there is so much selfishness in society, there are some exceptional people who do not follow social conventions and are the prime example of how people in a society should be. This paper will argue that being selfless is important in society and that people should deviate from individualistic behavior and concentrate more on the collective behavior. Through this careful examination it will be revealed that although a person should think about how to advance themselves in the social hierarchy, it cannot be their only goal and people need to combine it with it a more humanistic goal as well. According to Tolstoy, society …show more content…

He introduces the character as Gerasim, the butler's assistant. He is content with the little that that he has. He is the only one in the story who believes that death will come to everyone. Other people in society think that death only comes to other people and will not come to them. This is exemplified by Peter, who feels "that this had happened to Ivan Ilych and not to him, and that it should not and could not happen to him… began to ask with interest about the details of Ivan Ilych's death, as though death was an accident natural to Ivan Ilych but certainly not to himself"(Tolstoy 9). Through the thought process of Peter, Tolstoy shows how society views death. Gerasim is also the only one in the story who shows empathy towards Ivan Ilych. He cares about other people. He doesn't feel that helping Ivan is a burden, but more as a way of soothing a dying man. As Ivan observed, "He saw that no one felt for him, because no one even wished to grasp his position. Only Gerasim recognized it and pitied him. And so Ivan Ilych felt at ease only with him. He felt comforted when Gerasim supported his legs (sometimes all night long)" Tolstoy( 42). This illustrates how Gerasim didn't mind his own inconvenience for the comfort of his master. Tolstoy portrays how most people in society have a lot more financial and social status, but they are missing the essential meaning of life. However, even though Gerasim lacks these advantages that other people have, he is the one who is the happiest. This is because he has all the components; selflessness, love for everyone, and a strong sense of empathy which makes up a meaningful

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