
What Does The Purpose Of The Declaration Of Sentiment

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Oppressed and suffering from female discrimination, Women 's Rights activist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, wrote the "declaration of Sentiments" to declare independence for women from men. Stanton articulates how all men and women are created equal, in her declaration she outlines the injustices towards women by men in eighteen charges against the male dominant society. By modeling the declaration after Jefferson 's "Declaration of Independents" she creates a patriotic tone in order to pursued all women and men, particularly Attendees at Seneca Falls Convention to fight for more Rights for women. Thomas Jefferson, wrote the "Declaration of Independence" after Americans had suffered under the controle by Great Britain in order to formally declare independence from Great Britian by the colonies. Modeling “A Decleration of Sentiments” after “The Decleration of Indapendents” Stanton is able to appeal to fundamental national morals; Stanton uses the pursuasuve appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos, to give a compelling argument for women 's rights through illistartation of the injustices towards women in a male dominent society. Both the “Declaration of Sentiments” and the “Declaration of Independence” were written to pursuade an audience to change unjust laws. The purpose of both documents was to gain freedom from an tyrannical form of governement. The “Declaration of Sentiments” was written to illistarte the inequalities of women in hopes to alter the mindset of

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