
The Declarative Process Model

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to create an infographic with the keywords "Declarative process model". Background information about this topic The constraint based approach in business process management regards pro- cesses not as imperative, but as declarative models. Traditional process modeling languages work with models of the imperative approach. Imper- ative process modeling defines that processes must be executed strictly in the course they have been specified, i. e. activities need to be performed in exactly in the form of the predefined model. Any change in execution or omitting of activities is prohibited by this means. This is why imperative process model fall into the trap of being over specified sometimes. However, not all processes need an exact representation of the control flow, such as informal processes. On the contrary to the traditional imperative approach, the declarative process model is more flexible and in this model, are no strict …show more content…

A lot of the time there is an infinite number of possible executions in a process model allowed. This allows peo- ple to choose from a high number of possibilities that satisfy the model, to pick the activity which fits the process best. In Declare the constraints are based on templates. These constraints are graphical representations of LTL (linear temporal logic) semantics. With this graphical representation declare templates are understandable people even if they are no experts in logic. [6] The constraint templates of Declare can be divided into four groups: 1) Ex- istence constraints, 2) Relation constraints, 3) Mutual relation constraints, 4) negation constraints Existence constraints can define how often an activity is allowed to be repeated and can specify a particular position for an activity. Existence con- straints only refer to one single activity, whereas relation constraints and negation constraints refer to more than one

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