
The Defense Of The Pass Failed

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Thermopylae is a mountain pass near the sea in Northern Greece, located 150 kilometers North of Athens. It was an excellent choice for defense since it had mountains running down into the sea, the only remaining land was a narrow marshy area along the coast. Thermopylae was a very strategic location. It commands the pass from Thessaly through Lokris and Boeotia. Having secured the pass could block any invaders and even make them turn back, though all three occasions, the defense of the pass failed. The Athenians took position at Thermopylae in 352 BC, making Philip II decide not to invade. Then, in 323 BC during the Lamian War, the general Leosthenes blocked the Macedonian Antipater by stationing troops at Thermopylae. Thermopylae was not the only route south from Thessaly; it was merely the fastest and easiest route.

The Battle of Thermopylae of 480 BC was between the Spartans and the Persians. King Leonidas of Sparta was declared to lead his men to march to the pass of Thermopylae to guard the pass from the Greek city-states. Leonidas went to the Oracle to find out what was going to happen in the battle. The oracle revealed that he was going to die. He knew that he would not be the only one dying, but he also knew that the sons of his men would continue their lineage. While the Spartans marched to the pass, they acquired more men from neighboring Greek city-states. The Persians were going through the pass to get to the Greek city-states to conquer them,

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