We have all heard the term “addiction” or “addict” tossed around when describing someone’s habits or personality. Each person has his own definition of this word, usually assumed with drugs or alcohol and reasonably so. According to “Drug use is on the rise in this country and 23.5 million Americans are addicted to alcohol and drugs.” Most addicts may not even know they are addicted. Some people just have to rely on other things to get them by. Dependence on drugs and alcohol aren’t good for one’s self or family. Most people probably have an addiction even if it’s small and unnoticeable. Then, there are those who are in denial and know they have one and may not want or be able to stop. These people are the most common and don’t really notice
Addiction, it is all around us, affecting people from all walks of life, it is not limited to certain social classes or lifestyles. It is found in every ethnic group, regardless of gender or age. It affects our neighbors, our friends, and our family either directly or indirectly. Although substances such as alcohol and illegal drugs are two of the most common addictions we hear about, there is a wide range of substances and even activities such as gambling and shopping. There is some debate whether addiction is a brain disease or a choice.
Being addicted to a substance, thing or activity may be considered a problem to most people. This uncontrollable habit can completely flip people’s lives around. The sad part is that it’s so hard to break someone addicted to something because you cannot help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. Addiction is so powerful that people can’t see the wrong in it all the time. Addiction is a powerful brain disease and the healing process can be dangerous.
Addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Know just imagine someone’s addiction is alcohol, drinking all day and
The meaning of a word portrays what it encompasses and if the phrase itself is misunderstood then defining what it’s trying to explain can be a studious task. Addiction has been defined by many and holds different meanings based on the context it’s used in. Addiction can be defined as a condition in which a person undertakes the use of substance, or engages in activities, which in turn brings pleasure, and tends to divert oneself from their day-to-day duties and responsibilities. Addiction is mostly related to drug use but it is also used to describe non-drug entities, such as gambling, and Internet addictions (Avena et al, 2008). Researchers (Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., 2010) have been keen on identifying the factors that lead to
There are many different definitions for addiction, Merriam-Webster state’s addiction is the compulsive physiological need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be physically, psychologically, or socially harmful. A&E network has capitalized on the impact addictions has on individuals and their families by creating a reality-based documentary show called intervention, that gives viewers an in-depth look into the lives of individuals who have different types of substance addiction. While also providing a look into the lives of family members of
What is addiction? The most common definition is the condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Addiction is so much more than that. People with addiction may not realize that their problem is out of control and could be causing problems for themselves or others around them. Addiction becomes an all-time thing and interferes with usual life responsibilities like relationships, social life, work, and health. People that are struggling with addiction, often cannot quit on their own. Addiction is an illness that entails treatment,
Addiction is a term used by people who are “dependent” on something, whether it is a drug, caffeine, alcohol or anything a human being does more than once a day. Most people with an addiction do not have control over what they are doing, what they are taking and what they are putting into their body. A person’s addiction may reach a point at which it can become very harmful to themselves and to others. Most likely when a person is addicted to something they cannot control how they use it, when they use it and they eventually become dependent on it to cope with their daily life.
According to dictionary.com, “addiction is the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit forming to such as an extent that it is cessation cause serve trauma”. Some people addicted to this and other people addicted to that, but it end up they cannot control and explain why and how did they were getting to addiction. When we think about addiction, the first things that pops up were drug, alcohol, gamble and tobacco but nowadays addiction can be anything like, coffee, internet, shopping, Facebook or more. For me, the person cannot control their choice to do, to talk or to use something, and it hard to give up is called addiction.
When people hear the word addiction they often picture someone itching for their next fix. According to dictionary.com, addiction is defined as “the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically
Addiction is all around us. It may be that cup of coffee in the morning for the caffeine stimulation, the cigarette that is smoked for the nicotine, or an alcoholic drink used to relieve a stressful day or situation. For some, the addiction may not be to a substance, but to compulsive behaviors such as gambling, playing video games, or shopping. Consequences to addictions can impact an addict’s physical or mental state. Addiction can also have detrimental impact on the people that surround them. Watching a relationship fall apart because a person has an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or another addictive behavior is a sad thing to happen to anyone. Unfortunately, those with addictions usually won’t admit they even
Addiction is a disease in which the body must have medication to eschew physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. When utilizing this type of medication, behaviour becomes compulsive and uncontrollable. Addiction leads to people making irrational decisions that interfere with ordinary life responsibilities. There have been drugs that increase, the cause of addiction, such as: marijuana, opioid, pain relievers, and cocaine. Addiction endeavored a compelling and influential impact on the brain that is distinguished in three different categories: craving for the object of addiction, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences. (Understanding Addiction. 2011)https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/how-addiction-hijacks-the-brain.html
Addiction is a dependence on a substance in which the affected individual feels powerless to stop. Millions of Americans have addictions to drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and even to behaviors such as compulsive gambling and shopping. Recent studies suggest that millions of Americans are addicted to food, as well.
According to several medical websites and professionals, both of our answers for the first question can be used for a bad habit or addiction. Coming from an addict, recovery is difficult. I am currently attending therapy, but at times, I don't feel like it is working. I'm trying my best to make a healthy change in my life. No one understands that a bad habit or addiction can take over a person's mind instantly. In my case, I didn't care that I was addicted to something, but as soon as I seen someone else with an addiction, I urged them immediately to get help. I care about others more than myself and I know I shouldn't. I believe most people get addicted to something because of childhood trauma. Parents and others don’t understand that
The world is filled with a wide variety of diseases that infect the people who live in it. These sicknesses can range from physical to mental or spiritual and each has its own special effect on people. Addiction is one of the most deadly diseases however it does not fall under one specific category but in fact under all of them. Addiction is defined under two basic symptoms: overindulgence of a substance or activity, and continuing to indulge in something despite the negative consequences. The American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization say that in order to be diagnosed as “addicted”, one must meet at least three of the following criteria: low tolerance, withdrawals, low self-control, repeated use through negative repercussions
Addiction is defined as an overuse of any substance that changes the natural chemical balance of the brain. It is generally agreed upon that addiction includes biological, psychological, and behavioral factors.