Strength has nine definitions in the Merriam Webster Dictionary. It is seen as a word of power, and as a matter of fact, power is a synonym for strength. Like many of the words in the Merriam Webster dictionary, the word strength originates in England. It also happens to be the noun of strong. Strength can be defined as many things, but I see the word fitting into two categories. College students will be able to see in this essay that strength is defined in a variety of ways such as emotional strength, physical strength, and how they work together to create a strong human being.
To begin, emotional strength comes from within. By saying within, I mean emotional strength. The Merriam Webster dictionary states the definition of strength as "The quality or state of being strong." however, strengths interpretation is entirely up to the individual. Your emotional state could show strength in how you get over obstacles. An example of this definition would be, "She found the strength to move on from her break-up." Obviously, she isn't exerting physical strength; instead, she's using her emotional strength that she obtained from within to go forth with her life despite the fact that she just went through a trying time. Like physical strength, emotional strength is something that needs to be built through trials and
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The best definition of this type of strength is found in the Merriam Webster dictionary. The second definition on the list states that strength is "The power to resist force." An example of the resisting forces could be weights or any heavy objects. Humans will use the strength they obtained by working for it. Anyone can obtain physical strength by repeatedly carrying heavy objects which will, in turn, build muscle and provide strength. An example of this type of strength is someone using arm strength to carry the couch from downstairs to upstairs. Strength is a malleable word, and how you use it is up to
Being strong can be defined in many ways. For this situation, strength could mean plain power, the higher title you have, the stronger you are. It seems as if all of the play is just a game of power between every character. A game of king of the hill. The player (or in this case the
Strength- Increases the amount of weight that can be carried. Base physical damage is calculated using strength x weapon damage. Slightly increases speed and stamina.
Although when one sees an Olympic runner finishing their marathon or a professional body builder lifting weights the first thought that comes to mind is, “They must be strong”, the composition of this strength is never contemplated. That Olympic runner is not just putting on foot in front of the other, he is also pushing through his pain and maintaining constant view of his goal. This is the main type of ingredient in the strength dish, mental power. Overall strength is not only physical, but mainly mental.
Strength: They are the internal part of the business. It describes positive attributes, tangible or intangible. It includes positive attributes such as knowledge, background, education, network, reputation
Strong- Connotative- Strength, Gym, Water Denotative- Having power physically or mentally. this is important because different armies are strong and are able to take over other armies.
Strength is that part of your intellect or nervous system that is more effective and productive than other parts. Throughout your experience of life, your actions or reactions drive different thoughts, behavior and emotion in your brain. The requests that are processed more efficiently and rapidly are known as your strengths. Nowadays, strengths-based approaches to work and life are gaining a lot of popularity and often they are used to improve leadership and create more productive and efficient work teams.
Having strength is the state of being physically strong. Everyone needs strength to restore the broken pieces of America, therefore we must encourage people to be strong. World War
Strength comes in many forms, We usually think of strength as a person with a powerful body. Actually, a person can have a strong mind, have patience, and the strength to resist temptation. Weakness is not always noticed at first, and it can be seen in many different ways. It can be an emotional weakness caused by loss, loneliness, and other life problems. Steinbeck makes his story, Of Mice and Men, interesting by giving his characters both strengths and weaknesses.
Strength was not just physically being strong but emotionally being able to keep themselves together. In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet had to try and keep herself together when she knew that Romeo was going to be banished after he killed her cousin Tybalt. She was being as strong as she could before she went to Friar Laurence for advice. After she left the church she knew that she was going to have to be strong and lie to her family about her marriage with Paris and that it was not going to happen. After she had taken the poison and Romeo found her in the tomb he had to try and be strong as well, but he just could not live without her, so he killed himself to be with her. Strength is also a theme for the book The Odyssey. Odysseus left his whole family behind when he went to war. His mother could not deal with the fact that he might have been killed in the war so she tried to be strong but she later committed suicide. Penelope also was strong and raised her child while her husband was gone to war and lived everyday as if her husband was still alive. Telemachus was pretty strong too because he had no father to tell him how to be a man, all he had was the men that were trying to marry his mother. Strength was a big part of both books. In real life being strong is important. Not only in a relationship, but in any matter. If your parents are going through a divorce, that could also be an example of you being strong. Strength is more than just physical strength, it is also
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines strength as “the quality that allows someone to deal with problems in a determined and effective way.” In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, a young woman named Hester Prynne commits adultery, consequently being forced to wear a scarlet letter ‘A’ on her chest. This letter reminds Hester and the townspeople in Boston of her crime and also acts as a form of constant public shame. For the duration of the novel, Hester works to move on with her life and raise her daughter, Pearl. She exhibits her strength by overcoming the hardships she faces.
Many people describe themselves as Outsiders without knowing what one is, know you can ask yourself, are you an outsider ? Outsiders are people who are misunderstood. This can mean multiple things. For Example, not being understood by your peers, not being heard the way you want to be heard, and not being in the right situation but being in that situation.
In “Rewriting American History,” Frances FitzGerald claims that “each generation of children reads only one generation of schoolbooks,” and those children only have a particular version of America based on the textbook they read in schools. FitzGerald is correct in her claim that children read only one generation of schoolbooks; however, children do not get a particular version of American history based on their schools’ textbooks. Students should realize that American history is constantly changing, and they cannot only depend on historians’ opinions on historical events. Instead, they should be open-minded to multiple perspectives of history and understand why people interpret it differently.
“Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength till you are face to face with our greatest weakness”(Susan Gale).Susan Gale perfectly explains her quotes about strength in a person and how strong a person can be mentally and physically. Strong means to be fearless and being able to handle things that most people would cower when brought upon them. In The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus and his beloved wife, Penelope, were the power couple of Ithaca, they were meant to be. Though they were strong, they were both strong in different ways. For example, Odysseus possesses physical strength on his epic journey while Penelope contains mental strength while her husband is gone.
The first strength identified is Harmony. Harmony is defined in the as an agreement in a feeling or opinion (Dictionary, 2009). In Strength Finder 2.0 Harmony is describes as you look for areas of agreement, there is little to be gained by conflict and friction, so you seek to hold them at a minimum (Rath, Strengths Finders 2.0,
All too often we do not think about our personal strength until a situation arises that causes us to use this natural attribute that we know as strength.