
The Definition Of Strength In The Merriam Webster

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Strength has nine definitions in the Merriam Webster Dictionary. It is seen as a word of power, and as a matter of fact, power is a synonym for strength. Like many of the words in the Merriam Webster dictionary, the word strength originates in England. It also happens to be the noun of strong. Strength can be defined as many things, but I see the word fitting into two categories. College students will be able to see in this essay that strength is defined in a variety of ways such as emotional strength, physical strength, and how they work together to create a strong human being.
To begin, emotional strength comes from within. By saying within, I mean emotional strength. The Merriam Webster dictionary states the definition of strength as "The quality or state of being strong." however, strengths interpretation is entirely up to the individual. Your emotional state could show strength in how you get over obstacles. An example of this definition would be, "She found the strength to move on from her break-up." Obviously, she isn't exerting physical strength; instead, she's using her emotional strength that she obtained from within to go forth with her life despite the fact that she just went through a trying time. Like physical strength, emotional strength is something that needs to be built through trials and …show more content…

The best definition of this type of strength is found in the Merriam Webster dictionary. The second definition on the list states that strength is "The power to resist force." An example of the resisting forces could be weights or any heavy objects. Humans will use the strength they obtained by working for it. Anyone can obtain physical strength by repeatedly carrying heavy objects which will, in turn, build muscle and provide strength. An example of this type of strength is someone using arm strength to carry the couch from downstairs to upstairs. Strength is a malleable word, and how you use it is up to

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