The 9-11 incident shocked the world. People remember the picture of 911 as clearly as they remember yesterday, even though it has been 14 years ago. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its many partners across the federal government, public and private organizations, and communities across the country have worked since 9/11 to build a new homeland security enterprise to better decrease and defend against dynamic threats, minimize risks, and maximize the ability to respond and recover from attacks and disasters. In the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, many trade associations developed or enhanced security operations to deal with terrorist threats. Numerous owners and operators of transportation
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In fact, security of goods in the cargo supply chain is also significant, especially consumable goods such as pharmaceuticals. This kind of goods could prove catastrophic, result in substantial loss of both financial and life.
This case provide a idea that people must change perception, which is consumers are not the whole components of movement of goods, but the movement of goods and merchandise essential to life and economic vitality. It breaks limit of scope to discuss present threat of cargo supply chain, sources of cargo terrorists and thieves, solutions and challenges for both short term and long term from private and public sectors.
A clear and present threat
The consequence would be far-reaching and consequential of a breach in cargo security. Obviously, the most weakness of cargo supply chain is terrorist attack, and cargo theft.
Terrorist attack
The first major threat of cargo supply chain is terrorist. It is clear that terrorists can see the potential of using the maritime trading system to conceal weapons or agents for attack purposes or to provide funding or support for their operations. Unknown risk results from the virtually limitless range of targets and tactics available to terrorists. As mentioned in this case, terrorists have used aircraft as an attack delivery platform in October 2010. When Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula shipped two explosive devices
To begin, the transportation system and the methods they use have greatly impacted both how and where people decide to live. The transportation system is a very important aspect to any nation’s economy. As stated, transportation systems also offer opportunities for terrorists who wish to disrupt and damage transportation systems and injure an immense number of people. In 1985, TWA Flight 847 was hijacked on a flight from Athens to Rome. The plane was overtaken by Shitte Hezbollah terrorists who desperately wanted to know the identity of the passengers with Jewish sounding names. The two terrorists who are of a Lebanese decent that were armed with a 9 millimeter gun and grenades made the plan land in the city of Beirut in Lebanon. As the hijackers
On September 11, 2001, there were 2,996 casualties and more than 6,000 others were injured in the terroristic attacks of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Some may say that these acts of terrorism changed the American homeland security for the better, others disagree. Since the events of September 11, 2001, the Department of Homeland Security was created and expanded into one of the largest divisions of the federal government. This paper consists of the lack of homeland security before September 11, 2001, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the development of this department, which is leading America to be safer since the last act of terrorism.
Everyday millions of people travel by land, water or air while importing or exporting items. With time laws have been placed to provide safety
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2011 prompted the world to reevaluate and drastically modify airport and airline security. “Four targets had been chosen, all iconic American buildings that would send a clear message of the depth of their hatred for the United States. All four planes crashed, killing all on board—terrorists, crew members, and passengers, along with hundreds who were killed inside the structures, on the ground, and the men and women who ran into collapsing buildings in an effort to try and save others” (Smutz 1). As Jason Villemez said “the decade after the 9/11 attacks reshaped many facets of life in America” (Villemez 1). Before the attacks, people did not think that large scale hostility towards innocent people in
'The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), made note that the goals of the al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) were vague as far the expected targets. Besides, the DHS office has recognized that there challenges in the consistency of the conventions and levels of relief which were confronted by the screening abilities of different offices around the globe. The agreement about the al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), is their proceeded with enthusiasm for the focusing of different types of aeronautics destined for the United States' (DHS,
Since the attack on the United States of America on 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established to aid the country in preventing such a horrific event or future threats from happening to the citizens. DHS has had a clean record so far and it seems to be doing a great job in deterring the terrorist’s threats from reaching the American population. There has been no serious terror attack on the United States soil since the establishing of DHS. This is not an easy feat since there are so many rules and agencies that feed intelligence, support, equipment, and personnel to this large department. To have coordination of over twenty-two agencies and ensure they are all working together is a task that may seem impossible but it is one that DHS has hit upon head-on. All the agencies must be aware of the intelligence and actions and risks that are prevalent so as to prepare themselves. Then the next hurdle is to gather intelligence and information from the citizens without violating the Patriot Act which protects the rights of the people. There is a fine line that must be monitored and not crossed in fear of interfering on someone’s rights. In some instances the people will not comply with DHS and therefore they receive a negative aspect from the population. If DHS is not able to gather intelligence from the people without infringing on their rights, what makes them so sure that the department will protect them?
After the attacks on September 11th, 2001 the United States was forced to reassess its policies over the defense of the country within its borders. Until that time the United States’ homeland security was under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice (Masse, O’Neil, & Rollins, 2007). After the attack the Executive branch of the government created a new organization that would be responsible for deciding where the biggest threats to the country were. This was the birth of the Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for assessing all risk to the Nation within its borders and developing way to mitigate these threats before a disaster can take place. One of the documents that the Department of
Over the years, there have been many changes in the Aviation and Transportation Security Act. After the 9/11, Shoe Bomber, the Underwear Bomber, the Time Square Bomber and the Toner Cartridge Bomb Plot, Congress then TSA that would analyze intelligence and set risked-based security standards for the United States transportation system. It is important that the agency refocuses its resources on assessing threats and intelligence, instituting proper regulations, and auditing and adjusting security performance (Mica, 2011). Over the years, there have been many changes in the Aviation and Transportation Security Act. After the 9/11, Shoe Bomber, the Underwear Bomber, the Time Square Bomber and the Toner Cartridge Bomb Plot, Congress then TSA that
For several industries in Asia, in particular pharmaceuticals, security issues include fake branded products and the substitution of goods with counterfeit or inferior quality replacements. Recent supply chain security initiatives are also designed to address security problems relating to the sale of counterfeit goods. In August of 2008, Hong Kong customs discovered 2.5m cigarettes in a container that was marked to contain other goods. If these items had not been identified as fake, they could have been sold as original brand goods, resulting in a substantial shortfall in excise income for the Hong Kong Government.
Belgium is a country located in central Western Europe. It has seen many ups and downs. However, today it is one of Europe’s, and one of the world’s top logistic countries. First, we will review over Belgium’s population, geography, economy, and technology. Then, we will discuss how the supply chain and logistics work in Belgium. This includes transportation, trade within Belgium, trade with other countries, and supply chain risks. There is much to discuss on Belgium’s logistics.
Transport plays a critical role in the supply chain and according to Bhattacharya et al. (2014) it is becoming one of the key components of the whole supply chain valuation for many organizations. Transportation is the movement of good from one location to another. Supply chain is a network of individuals, organizations, activities, resources and technology that is involved in formation and sale of a product, which is from the delivery of source materials from the supplier to the manufacturer, through to the end user. Hopkins (2007) states that supply chain professionals look at whole business procedures, which is from raw materials to manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing. And by
Transportation is a key element in the logistic chain. It joins together those components that are considered to be separated. In order for transportation and logistics to work together successfully, there must be good management between them. It plays a
Acts of terrorism has greatly affected multiple countries, including the United States. The horrific events that took place on 9/11 left the American people shocked, devastated, and furious. Many innocent American’s lost their lives on this infamous day. While airports and airlines are not free from security breaches, a set of new security measures and requirements have been implemented by the International Air Transport Association and the International Civil Aviation Organization (Beirman, 2011). Increased security at airports and airlines, have left terrorists to target more vulnerable areas such as tourist destinations. Attacking tourists’ spots such as hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, conference venues and other forms
Although it is a clever and efficient way to manage the supply chain, what kind of risks will be faced in extended supply chain? There are two categories of risk affecting extended supply chain: one is the risk emerging from the problem of coordinating supply and demand, and the second risk is came from disruption. (Kleindorfer and Saad, 2004) Disruption risks include operational risks, which basically refer to equipment malfunctions, unforeseen discontinuities in supply, and human-centered issues from strikes to fraud, and as well as Natural hazards risks. And coordination risk is exposed in process of procurement, production and