
The Developmental Sequence In Small Groups By Carriella Soto Ruiz

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A Summary on “The Developmental Sequence in Small Groups” By Mariella Soto Ruiz
“The Developmental Sequence in Small Groups” by Bruce Tuckman is an article (1965) that appears in the Psychological Bulletin, an academic journal. The author elaborately explicates how small groups behave and work together in order to achieve high performance through several phases the group may endure. The author’s goal in the text is set to explore the boundaries of the group’s work ethic throughout these phases or stages. The developmental sequence is divided into four fragments, which are significant for establishing the development, relationships, and the workflow of the group. These stages include: forming, storming, norming, and performing.

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It is the platform that mainly focuses on the role of the leader. The leader has to help the group to set an aim as to what their prospects and achievements will be. He or she will be most depended on for direction. Each individual member will start to get a viewpoint towards what their other members are like and how they will work together as a group. Identification of the other members of the group is not so clear in this phase, since the focal point is generally based on the leadership role. Storming is the second stage of the process in which the members start to see themselves as part of the team. This stage is “characterized by conflict and polarization around interpersonal issues, with concomitant emotional responding in the task sphere” (Tuckman, 396). The leader and the group members will have resilient disagreements with each other. Therefore, the group must try to negotiate through their variances and share their ideas open-mindedly to find a proposal. The group then tries to establish their rules, and responsibilities for each member to commence the process of achieving their

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