I've seen trees grow out of boulders, but is it possible for good people to come out of bad situations? The Diary of Anne Frank teaches multiple lessons. One important lesson is becoming an adult and being happy in spite of stressful or dangerous times. The theme of The Diary of Anne Frank reveals the transition from childhood to adulthood and being happy in a hard time in the modern era. In The Diary of Anne Frank, Peter and Anne are aging throughout the diary. It goes through the years when they are just children. Then, it goes through teenage years to becoming young adults. "Anne: What's your cat's name? Peter: Mouschi. Anne: Mouschi! Mouschi! Mouschi! I love cats. I have one ... a darling little cat. But they made me leave her behind. I left some food and a note for the neighbors to take care of her ... I'm going to miss her terribly. What is yours? A him or her? …show more content…
He doesn't like strangers. (He takes the cat from her putting it back in the carrier.) Anne: (Unabashed) Then I'll have to stop being a stranger, won't I?" When they are younger, Peter is shy and would rather be by himself, but Anne is talkative and trying to become Peter's friend. In the next couple of years, Peter has become more comfortable with Anne as she has matured and learned how to talk to him in a calmer way. "Peter: And another thing. You've changed ... from at first, I mean. Anne: I have? Peter: I used to think you were awful
“I’m a big fan of cats. I’ve had them since I was a baby, and I’m going to have them until I die.”
Peter was a boy, Anne and Margot was a girl. Margot and Peter did not like to write and read, as much as Anne did. Anne, Peter, and Margot are similar in many ways. They were all teenagers. They were all friends, and had to live together, hide together.
In the popular book and story of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl there are many themes present throughout her journal. It’s a touching piece of literature that puts things into perspective about family, warfare, loneliness, and selfishness. Her diary gives insight about people who are actually living in those circumstances from Anne’s point of view, resulting in a more factual story than fictional novels loosely based on true events. Anne goes through a lot during her time in the Annex, including tense arguments with her family, bombings, thieves, Peter, and Dussel moving in. The events may not seem like that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but to a young girl, it’s a huge change of events. It shows a lot from her in the way she acts, Anne’s selfishness proving that stress and war can change people to be more selfish.
In the story ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ there are many characters that are dynamic or static, but especially the character Peter Van Daan has changed throughout the story. In the beginning of the story, Peter is presented as a awkward, boring, and mature person, but later on in the story Peter's personalities change to a comfortable, fun, but a mature person still.
The Diary of Anne Frank, by frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, is about a young girl named
Margot and Peter were older than Anne and were more mature. Anne and Peter both loved cats and had one also. They also had different genders and types of rooms. Margot was a young lady and so was Anne, while Peter was a young man. Peter had a room to himself, Anne had to share a room with one person, and Margot shared a room with both of her parents.
In the diary of Anne Frank, not only does the writing display the struggle of being a Jewish girl in World War II, it also shows the growth of a girl from adolescence to young adulthood. Anne Frank matures within two years in an extreme situation, and her diary shows this. In the beginning of her journal, Anne was a little spoiled and somewhat self-centered. She had no idea how much others were struggling. In her entry on June 14, 1942, she talks about her birthday, and shares what she had gotten as presents, which was many nice things. She even states that she “got masses of things from Mummy and Daddy, and was thoroughly spoiled by various friends.” Soon after, she and her family moved to the Secret Annexe. When things in the Annexe first
“I have a kitten. We found it mewing without its mother. They must have separated during that storm last night,” he responded.
Most of the cats were hiding deep in their cages, as if they were ashamed of being in the humane society at all. But little Vin, he stuck his paws out the bars of the cage, begging for attention. As I crouched down to look at him, I was greeted by his big, pastel green eyes. And then a meow, of course. He was tiny, not just in the fact he was just a baby, but he was skinny. Now, I had seen slim cats, but I could see poor Vincent’s ribs even through his black striped fur.
I look over and see one of our cats, Marz. I pet his fluffy, orange and white fur, and scratch him under his chin. He purrs just a little harder, just a little louder, and my smile gets a little broader. Marz is the sweetest cat I’ve ever known, always there when your day maybe isn’t the best, and you need someone to talk to. Most of the time he listens, too. He’s the best friend I need at times.
Even though Anne lived in confinement and in such circumstances she didn’t give up on herself and was still optimistic. This shows that Anne Frank is a strong person, at an early age she was able to not lose hope and still believed that people are really good at heart. She continued to grow as a person and still had positivity in
In the following paragraph I will introduce my essay. In this essay I will talk about four topics over the book Diary of Anne Frank. One topic is where is the book located that is where I will give three locations that are important.The second topic is who are the main characters and I will describe each character.the third topic is How does the setting change or how the plot develops.The last topic is Where did i read this book.
The play version of The Diary Anne Frank tells a story of a teenage girl, her family, another family, and a dentist who have gone into hiding from the Nazis during World War II. Anne struggles growing up and discovering her independence whilst being trapped in an attic with seven other known people. While the play is still extensively read and seen today, a newer movie version of Anne’s life has taken the events of this play to share Anne’s life with a more modern audience. In the movie, the audience watches Anne transition from her average life in Amsterdam to her life in the hidden annex. Although the play and movie versions differ in the feelings of the characters, both focus on the same central conflicts and Peter’s relationship with Anne.
Peter's going on sixteen, a shy, awkward boy whose company won't amount to much.” (Frank 165). Anne thought of Peter as a let down. Because of his “lone wolf” personality that greatly differs from Anne bold personality, they don't seem like a good fit; but later they becomes closer. After bonding over books, Anne goes on to state, “Kitty, I sound like someone who's in love and can talk about nothing but her dearest darling. And Peter is a darling.” (Frank 165). Anne's use of the word darling shows how fond she's become of Peter. They read together and talk about serious topics, that not even the adults care to think about. Although Anne has grown and changed through the duration of the novel, she still remains the same in one way.
In the beginning, Anne was a very outgoing, happy girl. She was very immature and tried looking