
The Dichotomy Between Good And Evil In The Book Of Genesis

Decent Essays

The Book of Genesis introduces the story of creation and lays the foundation of the concept of sin. The dichotomy between good and evil is highlighted throughout Genesis. Contrary to what people would expect of the Bible, many people’s source of religious ethics, there seems to be ultimately more evil than good prevailing. The question arises as to why these heedless acts of wrongdoing appear so frequently in the text, whether justified or not. The author of Genesis writes of the actions of Adam and Eve and the eating of the forbidden fruit, and introduces sin into the chapter to exemplify the human nature of deception and wrongdoing. Thus, the author highlights not that the humans are perfect, but are with sin, and in need of forgiveness and …show more content…

Go to the flock and get me two choice kids, so that I may prepare from them the savory food for your father, such as he likes; and you shall take it to your father to eat, so that he may bless you before he dies.” (Gen. 27:6-10)
Ironically, the motives of Rebekah and Jacob are extremely questionable in this situation. However, one can posit the idea that the author simply intended for no one (not even contextually defined prophets such as Abraham, Jacob, or Joseph) to be holy other than God himself. Furthermore, this results in explaining the other acts of sin present in Genesis, such as the rape of Dinah and the multiple plots to kill one’s own kin. Deception in this chapter of the Bible plays a major role for it not only lays the foundation for the books to come, but also because of how prominently and frequently the theme is featured. Beginning with arguably the most referenced passages in the Bible commences an ongoing string of stories, all of which involve deception and sin as major topics. The fact that all of this occurs in the first book of the Bible reveals a rather concerning aspect of what human nature stands for. These passages set the tone for the remainder of the Bible and reveal a rather frequent aspect of sin itself:

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