
The Difference Between Character And Intellect

Decent Essays

The difference between "character" and 'intellect" is that character is based on moral reasoning and conduct whereas intellect is the understanding of moral reasoning and decision making. Being intelligent due to a higher education does not teach people to have strong morals in society. The application of what you learn intellectually to strengthen you character is what is important giving you a good moral standing in society and towards others. In the case study called The Disparity between Intellect and Character, Robert Coles was challenged by a sophomore who brought the realization to the professor of how intellectually people may be extremely smart but their education does not teach them how to be good citizens but depletes the content of their moral character. The difference between “character” and “intellect” is evident in how you apply your morals even though you may have a higher education. The character of a person with morals and scruples, knowing the difference between what is right and wrong is as he indicates "equated with moral conduct". The irony of the question posed by the student to Coles when she says "I've been taking these philosophy courses, and we talk about what's true, what's important and what's good. Well how do you teach people to be good? And she added "What's the point of knowing good, if you don't keep trying to become a good person." The question about character and moral reasoning is more important than the intellect which is

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