In a first-world country like America, people aspire to obtain high skill jobs and continue working their way up the socioeconomic ladder. As people climb the job ladder, many less favorable, low skill jobs are left behind. But these jobs still need to be done, which opens up opportunities for those of poorer countries to fill the positions. The golden question for this situation however, is which method is best for filling these low skill jobs? Immigration or outsourcing? Which is best for individual people, individual countries, and the global economy as a whole?
For many reasons, migration to America is a popular option. According to The Cultural Landscape by James M. Rubenstein, the vast majority of people migrating to America do it for
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Not only are there risks involved with the migration process and the ability to obtain a fair job, immigrants are leaving behind their families. Having to choose between being with your family, or financially supporting your family, is a monumental sacrifice many immigrants have to make. A 2016 article written by Jason Davis and Noli Brazil, titled, “Migration, Remittances and Nutrition Outcomes of Left-Behind Children: A National-Level Quantitative Assessment of Guatemala”, explores the effects of economic migration on children left behind. The article discusses how many parents migrate to America seeking economic benefits for their families, but the costs are great. When parents leave it is disruptive to the child’s life and is correlated with declining health in the children that are left behind. Davis and Brazil explain how migration is an expensive journey, forcing parents to take out loans and leave their children in an even poorer state. Of course, the goal is to find a job and boost the family's economic state, but Davis and Brazil point out many immigrants are not able to find a job in a timely fashion- or maybe at all. Children left in dangerously low economic state and without one or both of their parents results in undernutrition and poor health care. Furthermore, Davis and Brazil state that, “The increased likelihood of child undernutrition [has] …show more content…
Many argue outsourcing takes jobs away from the American people, which would be true in high skill situations, but if they are low skill jobs that Americans do not want to work regardless, then that argument is rendered invalid. If America were to outsource their low skilled jobs, the jobs would get done, likely at lower costs to the developed country, and at higher benefit to the developing country being outsourced to. Authors of “Immigration Versus Outsourcing; A Developing Country’s View”, Simontini Das, Ajitava Raychaudhuri, and Saikat Sinha Roy, concur that for the developing country, outsourcing is in fact more beneficial. They claim that the establishing trade deals via outsourcing between countries will aid in the development of the country as a whole, while keeping workers at home. Das, Ajitava, and Saikat conclude that if the outsourcing market were to expand, the need for workers to migrate would be substantially lessened, all the while filling jobs and improving the
Outsourcing emerged on the financial arena during the 1980s and has since then been spreading. Outsourcing production was furthered with the process of globalization which provided a new component leading to the strengthening of resources, skill and labor specializations across the world. The process of outsourcing is using the skill and abilities of a third-party to accommodate society on the foundation of labor. As stated earlier, it was during the 1980s that the process kicked off mainly due to the efforts of corporations when they began to hire labor forces across the world. Even though outsourcing has come out from its developing stages, there are still following effects on the US economy.
The phenomenon has created major suffering for many American and as this outsourcing continues to spread, Americans will demand action (R. Hira 2008, p-95). The book also adds that scholars Ralph Goory and William Baumol have shown that even when the basic model of the economics are used trade does not make both the trading partners better off. The trading in one country will have a negative impact while trading in other country will have a positive impact. The country with negative impact will definitely affect its economy. United States economy being the world’s largest economy; historically, it has maintained a stable GDP growth, a low unemployment rate, a high level of research and capital investment funded by both national, and because of increasing saving rates, increasingly by foreign investors. But offshore outsourcing has increased the unemployment rate dramatically in the decade. And so the economy worsened day by day.
As the world has gotten “smaller” in terms of trade, outsourcing has become a hot topic in much political and economic debate in the United States.
I come from the small island of Cuba; I was born and raised there as did my parents and my grandparents. When I was ten and we moved to the United States I didn’t think much of it, in my mind I was still Cuban and living in another country would not change my childhood thoughts. While growing up in the U.S. it seemed that whenever an immigrant issue came about all immigrants from all parts of the world had to stand behind it no matter what it was no matter if beneficial or troublesome. I used to think that these actions were justified because all immigrants had to stand up for each other otherwise nobody would.
Critics see outsourcing as impacting both domestic and foreign countries in a negative way. Domestic economics falters since business is transferred to outside sources, therefore local employment suffers, prices may rise, and people may lose their jobs. The United States loses about 230,000 jobs a year due to outsourcing and new jobs are not crated that frequently or rapidly, therefore local unemployment rises. At the same time, the US also loses skills due to outsourcing. Developing countries also experience global stratification where, even though the imported business upgrades social conditions, social demarcation and hierarchy occurs where the labor class is exploited by newly formed elite. This is called "Global stratification". Consequences may be disastrous not only for the country
One of the concerns in regards to the outsourcing of jobs is that wages of American jobs versus the wages of the Chinese, Japanese, Indians and Philippians are much less. If these workers were using the same identical technology and having the same identical skills were paid the same wages, there would be no problem. (Greene, 2006) It's also believed that if the US continues to trade freely with the overseas countries then the powerful drag of their far lower wages will
According to statistics and the U.S Government, while immigration has its “glory days”, it also comes with many issues for the United States. It can lead to many problems dealing with education, jobs, financial crisis, and American society. Immigration does more harm than good for America and it should be put to a stop.
The main goal of a business is to break even, spending about the amount as profits gained, or gain a net profit and expand. While expanding is expensive, companies will attempt to outsource jobs to different countries for a cheaper cost . Outsourcing is an issue for multiple unemployed and employed Americans, where the businesses could be supporting families by creating jobs for those who need them. Flatworld solutions, a company made to help businesses outsource jobs, would argue, “You can get your job done at a lower cost and at better quality as well” (Flatworld). It does lower the cost,
Often, people will decide to leave their country and immigrate typically because of internal pressures and an expectation of a better life when they come to America. For Nathan Friedman, who came from Kovel, Poland, he came to America
People leave their homelands and move to a different country for many different reasons. Some emigrate for adventure, to avoid starvation, yet others wish to escape terrible family hardships. However, the main reason has almost always been economic opportunity. Even though immigration can have bad effects on the American economy, immigration has a more positive effect on Americans economic system. Some politicians say that immigrants take jobs away from people who were already here,
Third World immigration into the U.S. has not produced a highly skilled labor force, as the above statistics show. Instead, the U.S. labor pool has become flooded with low level, menial laborers, whose desperation for work of any sort has undercut the wages paid at the lower end of the labor market, which in turn made it more difficult for native born American citizens to escape poverty. An estimated 1,880,000 American workers are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration. The cost for providing welfare and assistance to these Americans is over $15 billion a year. (Associated Press, 1997)
In the United States, children of illegal immigrants are automatically given the citizenship. Once in the country they tend to search for work without permit or citizenship, illegal immigrant tend to have no choices than work on low paycheques or disgusting work or in bad conditions in what is known as low skilled jobs. These kinds of jobs are usually bad work conditions and don’t attract many employees. For example, many illegal immigrants decide to work in a job that doesn’t require any permits, as landscape and construction are the most common ones for immigrants because they only require intense work. Others are employed into restaurants as dish washing, hospitality, prostitution, agriculture, and domestic services. Besides these raisons to immigrate, others search for better economic services and opportunities; people illegally migrate due to family problems, war, overpopulation, or illness. Some countries around the world are
The main reason why individuals migrating to United States is to seek employment. In most cases, their countries do not offer competitive wages. The United States has been able to identify this and has offered the H1-B visa where the minimal requirement is a bachelor’s degree. This has led the many educated people to migrate to America, allowing America be very competitive in the global market in certain sectors. This is explained by (U.S Citizen and Immigration Services, 2017, table
Outsourcing has become an important tool that organization are taking advantage of more in this age of technology. It allows for a company or organization to select a partner or source to move a portion of their business to that usually has expertise in that area. It is a option that is being utilized by organizations in many countries. Outsourcing is a tool that enables organizations to gain some levels or competitive edge in their industries. It also allows organizations to obtain some price breaks and take advantage of good and services for cheaper rates. Outsourcing to low labor countries allows organizations to truly take advantage of reduced rates for labor but at what cost? This is a very controversial practice because this normally occurs in countries that have very lenient child labor laws. Outsourcing abroad in low labor countries opens the doors for the exploitation of residents in these countries.
Within the last few decades technology has been progressing at an extremely rapid rate resulting in globalization becoming far more relevant in our lives. Whether or not globalization is a beneficial thing for the world has become a frequently discussed topic in the world today. Globalization is the increasingly closer integration of countries and peoples of the world brought about by the enormous reduction of transportation and communication costs and the breakdown of barriers to the flow of goods, services, capital, and knowledge (Ehrenfeld). Communication costs specifically have gone down significantly in the recent years making the topic more prominent in daily discussions. There are many critics of globalization who view it as an evil in our society, but despite the drawbacks that come with it there are benefits that heavily outweigh them. Globalization has been seen as an issue, because it has resulted in the outsourcing of many jobs in developed countries. Although it has resulted in many jobs being outsourced, countries that are still developing now have opportunities for new jobs (Josephson). New job opportunities in developing countries allows for higher standards of living, more competition between workers which boosts productivity, and helps people get out of poverty. From a universal perspective it is a wiser decision to provide jobs to the countries that need them far more than already developed countries as the jobs being outsourced are manufacturing jobs. There are many people who cannot support themselves or their families, because they have do not have a job or any income, because they live in undeveloped countries. In a globalized world jobs are outsourced to undeveloped countries which allows those who are less fortunate to get a job, and provide for their family.