
The Doctrinal Cycle Of Federalism

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Federalism is when states or provinces share power with a national government. The United States government functions by applying the principles of federalism. The doctrinal cycle of federalism is when the state gain power for a while and then the power is disbursed to the national government for a while. The power is given back and forth between the states and the national government creating a cycle of federalism. The ideology of the Supreme Court is an important factor for determining what level of Congress will hold the power. A liberal Supreme Court is more likely to let the national government hold more power, while a conservative court is more likely to let the states hold more power. There are three types of federalism which are cooperative, dual, and new. The ideology of the Supreme Court affects what type of federalism that the country will live under.
Cooperative federalism is when all three levels of government collectively interact to solve common problems. In cooperative federalism there is a strong national government and the Supreme Court allowed Congress to grow and become more powerful. The court’s ideology during this time was more liberal, which impacts how the court will decide on cases that are presented to them. The McCulloch v. Maryland case was about Congress creating The Second Bank of the United States, in the state of Maryland. Maryland at the time passed legislation that would impose a tax on the bank. James W. McCulloch, a cashier at the

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