
The Documentary Hypothesis: Scholarly Discussion

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The Documentary Hypothesis – Scholarly Rejection

The Jerusalem Talmud, a rabbinical review of oral Jewish law, particularly the Mishnah, provides original oral history and review of the Pentateuch. Oral traditions became writings because of the Roman defeat regarding the Jewish Revolt in 70 C.E. resulting in legal as well as social changes. The oral traditions endured criticisms throughout the years, yet Orthodox Jews believe traditional histories over modern, contemporary criticisms. It is these oral traditions that provide solidity to conversions to written accounts.

The Documentary Hypothesis of Julius Wellhausen dissects the Pentateuch based on the idea of multiple sources of script for the five books of Moses, the presupposed author. From Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, to Deuteronomy, Moses is, traditionally, believed to be the author with the divine inspiration of God. The Documentary Hypothesis states there are multiple sources of writings and oral accounts that were complied by an editor or redactor. The Documentary Hypothesis illustrates an incompetent assembler of materials compiled the Pentateuch and points out, what is believed to be, inconsistencies, controversies, and different writing styles of the text.

Our reading tells us that …show more content…

Despite numerous permutations, the basic thrust of what is called the Documentary Hypothesis remains the same: the Pentateuch is divisible into at least four basic sources, each of which can be roughly dated to represent different stages in Israel’s (thoroughly naturalistic) religious history. At some late date, perhaps in the time of Ezra, these four sources were collected by an unknown editor who painstakingly combined them as though in a blender, and what we now call the Pentateuch, with its illusion of unity, was the

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