
The Double Helix By James D. Watson

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What is the double helix? The double helix was a starling breakthrough. The double helix experiment and idea led to the discovery of the structure of DNA, all thanks to five very important people in history. A double helix is a double parallel spiral. This lively discovery was enormous and was the most influential and successful biological fining since Charles Darwin. The discovery and foundation of the double helix structure of DNA, a hereditary molecular structure, sparked science, scientific research, and the advancement of opportunities. Although this took a lot of effort and time, this breakthrough discovery has changed the subjects of science, chemistry, biology, anatomy, and physics completely around. Although this discovery has prompted science in our world today, little do we know a young man tried to stop this. The Double Helix by James D. Watson tells us the story of this great discovery throughout our history. Throughout this book there is so many key relevant topics that I can …show more content…

It took so much time, understanding, and knowledge. This book was very interesting and yet, factual. I learned a lot from it and really changed my thoughts and knowledge and biological and molecular science. One thing I found interesting was that it was not just a Crick and Watson that discovery this structure, it was more than these two key people. I love the depth throughout the novel which gives us the information that Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, Linus Pauling, Francis Crick, and James Watson established this discovery. Many people throughout our nation do not know that it was more than Crick and Watson that led to this remarkable discovery through our history. Another aspect that is astonishing is that fact Crick and Watson were so close to giving up on the research of DNA and it's double helix structure. They believed it would impede science and it's research. It held

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