I have chosen to find a new technology start up that has become popular within the last ten years. I feel it is important to stay up to date on new technological advances due to the fact that it could make your life much simpler. I found a company called DropCar. It is a new app developed in 2015 that offers people a variety of ways to store, park, or ride their car. I know that sounds confusing at first, but it is quite effective within large cities. Currently it is only active in New York City, but I believe it will spread to others. It started with the idea of letting people allow others to drive their car around the city instead of paying to park. In New York, parking can get quite pricy, sometimes even as much as thirty dollars for …show more content…
It is a for profit company operating with less than 500 total employees. Back in September of 2016, DropCar announced its merger with WPCS International Incorporated (WPCS). This merger was meant to provide financial flexibility for DropCar to continue its growth. Since then, DropCar has been making headlines all across New York City, including deals with Mahattan Motorcars, Toyota of Manhattan, and Lexus of Queens, just to name a few. In December of 2017 they enhanced their vehicle assistance and logistics (VAL) platform with a new toolset. Just this past January, they rolled out the idea of what they call DropCar Premier. This is a service they provide at a cost of $499 per month and includes complete vehicle maintenance and care along with valet pickup and drop off. At the end of January, DropCar completed their merger with WPCS and finally acquired its symbol for the Nasdaq Stock Market. DropCar is now currently used by leasing companies, dealerships, auto manufacturers, and shared mobility …show more content…
If someone sees the success they are having in New York, they could very easily create their own app that is very similar and put it in place in LA, Dallas, Chicago, etc. If DropCar doesn’t reach out and hit those markets soon, somebody else will for sure. It would be very similar to Lyft taking some of Ubers’ business. In most areas, Uber is the go to option, but Lyft was able to attack the smaller cities before Uber could get to them, taking away a lot of potential business for Uber. I feel that same problem could happen to DropCar if they don’t act
We have leveraged our experience with the highest need for our services into a new business model that will allow us to reach all of our customers much faster. That has necessitated an expansion in staff and the development of new job growth opportunities within our company.
Small businesses are very important to the United State economy because 65 percent of new jobs over the past 17 years come from small business (Unites States). Everyone wants to own his or her own business, but having a good idea to start a business is not easy task; however, Peter Warhurst is one of the most successful entrepreneurs who dared to start his business with his three partners: Roy Courtney, David Revelia and Bill Ash. They were once firefighters who originated the idea of storing people’s property in mobile storage containers which could hold property when something happened to people’s houses. The company began in Clearwater, Florida, in 1997 with the name PODS, which stands for
Cuebed wrote an article on July 21, 2017 about how free parking and parking minimums make living on big cities much more expensive. The article showed how it is a waste of space to have so much parking and there are more effective and faster ways to move around without a car. The article also showed an example of this with mexico city and how they cut down on parking spaces.
So, in 1922 WEC created WESCO. As WESCO was nurtured by it’s parent company, the became a trusted source for the products they sold and distributed across America. In 1994, Dubilier & Rice purchased the private company WESCO from Westinghouse and changed the name to WESCO Distribution. April 1998, The Cypress Group purchased WESCO Distribution for $1.1 billion, and changed the name to WESCO International Inc. A year later WI made its IPO on the New Your Stock Exchange with the symbol WCC. The management team is lead by Sandra B. Lin (CEO), John J. Engel (President & CEO), and Stephen A. Van Oss (Senior VP & COO) along with a board of directors. WI annual sales figures for 2012 came to nearly $6.6 billion in revenue, and employ just over 9000 people. With over 18,000 vendor relations, and 65,000 global customers, you can see why WI focuses on value chains, and customer service. Happy clients and supply chains make doing business much easier in the grand scheme of
This product roadmap lays out the action plans for forty plus products that serve a global market with over $100M in capital development. She recently received a Masters degree in Management with a focus on Organizational Leadership with honors from Colorado State University, holds two BA’s from Regis University with honors, certified Project Management Professional (PMP) 2004, completed Pearson Emerging Leader program in 2011, and became Scaled Agile certified 2013. She is a member of both the Golden Key and Sigma Beta Delta honor societies. Marianne resides in Denver, Colorado with her husband, two sons, and her dog Felix. In her spare time she makes pottery, and volunteers as a founding member of Impact 100 Denver
Hints: How will you stay abreast of new developments in your industry? What new products do you have in development now, in addition to your flagship product?
Invention is the result of a long study, research, and experimentation (Innovation, n.d.); Innovation is “the discovery and the execution of pioneering ideas that create value” (Greco, 2011), in other words, new application of known concepts. A practical example of invention is the alkaline battery that provided a light-weight, small, and portable power source; innovation applied this concept to anything possible from communication devises, mecanich and construction tools, and even toys. Technical workstream leaders understand that innovators are today’s competitors reducing times, and maximazing profits with new techniques; but inventors have the potential to reshape the landscape of today’s markets leaving dominant companies out of bussiness. Who remembers door-to-door salesmen or “dear John”
My project idea began in August of 2014 when Clark Kistler and I had the idea to create a company that encompases every aspect of the outdoors. Reedy ridge is an outlet for people of all ages, but is geared more directly for high schoolers and college students. The hope is that the company can encourage people to get outside and stay outside. We sell shirts, car decals, wristbands, and hats. All of our products are designed by our staff, and inspired by events going on in our community. In my project I learned a ton about filming, and dove deeper into my love for the outdoors by showing off Reedy Ridge Outdoors.
Even though it’s still in the stages of design, the young innovator and his father already launched a GoFundMe campaign to help fund the manufacturing fees to turn his life-saving concept into a reality.
trange; that was the only word to describe it. Aristotle’s eyes widened as he quickly leaped off his bike, making his way towards the abnormality. The peculiar flower caught his interest; he had never seen anything like it. He wandered off into this field not too far from his house, on a quest for flowers. However, this was not what he expected. This flower was such a beauty, it did not belong on Earth. Excitement flickered in his eyes. Aristotle was still in the early stages of becoming a botanist, but he knew almost too much about plants. A gleeful laugh escaped his lips, and he wasted no time in uprooting the flower from its spot. His hands shook with delight as he placed the flower in the basket of his bike, that previously occupied the ground. His legs burned when he raced home, his smile shined brightly in the afternoon sunlight.
The organization is growing very well and planning to open more convenience stores in the coming years.
Summary: Who: Robin Chase CEO and Co-founderWhen: October 14, 2000What: Option 1: Reach out to other investors Option 2: Create a new business model Option 3: Close the businessMain Players: * Robin Chase * Antje Danielson - * Corporate PresidentOthers * Glenn Urban – Dean and mentor to Chase * JohnSnow – Consulting Firm * Paul Covell – MIT engineer * Investors CircleAlliance Partners: * Dan Holland – Venture partner * Transit Stations * AP reporter – press coverage Competitors: * Europe car sharing companies - Swiss Mobility CarSharing, Drive Stadtauto * Rental Car Companies –
[Case: Zipcar] Zipcar’s SWOT and financial analysis a) Strengths Firstly, Zipcar seized 80% of US market share, making it the strong player in the market. Secondly, as the company is able to acquire its competitors (Flexcar-US, Streetcar Ltd-UK), they can reduce the competitors as well as gain those market shares and customer bases from those 2 companies. Thirdly, Zipcar’s customer-friendly and disruptive business model is what makes it unique. They leverages accessibility, make it available close to where people live or work and need access to vehicle, which is one of the threat of car renting. The company also allows the members to use a car when required, which provides true flexibility. Supported by advanced technology (RFID System r),
After the end of World War II in 1945 and an armistice in Korea in 1953, patriotism was high in America. As a result, anti-communist and war films were very popular (American Movie Classics Company LLC, 2017). The one thing most people wanted after so long in war was stability, and most thought the best way to reach this was conformity. Movie Production Code, started in 1930, placed strict limits on the topics films could cover, supporting the decade’s conformist attitude. It banned interracial relationships, nudity, profanity, sexual perversion (including homosexuality), and positive depictions of crime, and sexually suggestive scenes were limited (Hayes, 2009). However, in the 50s, teenagers started to be viewed as viable consumers. The popularity
This mobile clothes washing service is a service to clean clothes for homeless and at risk adults in Rochester and surrounding Monroe county. We are a nonprofit located in the heart of Rochester dedicated to serving and helping the homeless community. In addition to cleaning the clothes of the homeless population we will introduce them back into the workforce through the hiring of our company. The logistics will be discussed further in the business proposal but we feel it is important to end the cycle of homelessness. Our service will make Rochester stronger because we are putting people with barriers to employment to work and helping end that homeless cycle in our community. Our organization will work hand in hand with other local agencies and support groups of the homeless in Rochester hoping to create a better network for all. The weakness in the business organization will be the first hand securing of sponsorships and partners to help cut costs and create a non-profit entity. It will take a vast amount of effort to go from company to company first hand pitching our ideas in the hopes of securing something with a major company such as Tide or