
The Dumb Test

Good Essays

Sweat trickled down the boy's forehead as he heard the clock's relentless tick tock grow louder and louder as if it was roaring in his ears. Pencil scratching, hands shaking, pages flipping, the classroom was a war zone for the boy. His shoulders were burdened with the ever growing weight of getting a good grade as the test continued. He was exhausted and drained, but he had to continue to keep The Plan alive. The Plan wasn't an outline of the boy's life—it was an instruction sheet. It spanned from the first day the boy entered school to the moment he would be buried into the ground. He designed his entire future, never leaving an empty space for life to take action. The boy knew that in order to be secure and successful in the future, everything …show more content…

The dull, beige four walls that prisoned her grew smaller and smaller with each passing and infuriating tick tock. The girl heard the humdrum song of the clock taunting her. "You are wasting your precious time in here," the clock jeered. The stuffy, warm classroom made her lightheaded while she randomly circled answers on the test. The girl couldn’t care less about some dumb test that had the audacity to try and tell her what she was worth in a materialistic society. Instead of being in a tiny cell filled with trivial tests, she yearned for the outside, for the carefree winds to sway her from one decision to the next. She needed to feel the warmth of the sun blanket her skin from head to toe, and the tall, emerald green grasses cushion her as she dozed off in a comfortable slumber. The girl felt like a daisy in the midst of a bed of roses; a tramp in a swarm of try-hards who only cared how much money would be rotting in their future bank accounts and trivial things like test scores. To the girl, it was ridiculous to have a plan for life. For life was a series of events that shaped and molded a person. It was unpredictable and wild, bouncing from one place to another and shedding light onto new experiences. Life guided her to look at everything in a new way by exposing her to different cultures. The girl had cleared her schedule so she could just ride the waves that life sent her way. Flexibility was her number one rule on how to live a happy life. She …show more content…

Ever since she was little, her entire life was planned out. She worked through her plan and kept her security all throughout high school, but the summer after graduation, her plan suddenly ended. My cousin struggled with finding her major and what she wanted to do in life. She had a period in her life where she didn’t know what to do. She didn't have a plan or anything along those lines. My cousin was terrified of the endless possibilities of what could happen to her and how life would sway her. But after a period of soul searching and a couple of good movies, she realized what she wanted to do. My cousin decided to become a film director. She found her passion, and she created another plan. Despite the new plan, my cousin also has decided to accept the events thrown at her and use them to her advantage. Being prepared is a good thing, but actively preventing life from intervening is dangerous. Doing this is makes you paranoid and scared of the future. Those who constantly plan out every step they take are scared of the unexplored and unknown darkness of life. These planners should be ready for the unknown, but they should also accept the unpredictable events life throws at them and use those event to their

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