
The Dupont Model Is A Performance Measurement Technique

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The DuPont Analysis, or DuPont Identity, is a performance measurement technique that is used to analyze the profitability of a company. In order to do so, the DuPont model integrates elements of the Income Statement with those of the Balance Sheet.
The history of the DuPont Model is a fascinating one because F. Donaldson Brown created it. He was an electrical engineer who joined the company’s Treasury department in 1914. Later, DuPont bought 23% of General Motor’s stock and gave Brown the task of cleaning up the carmaker’s tangled finances. Credited as possibly one of the first large-scale reengineering efforts in the U.S., much of GM’s success belongs to the planning and control systems set in place by Brown. Following the success, the DuPont model became the dominant method of financial analysis (B.V., 2015).

The DuPont model is a financial ratio based on the return on equity (ROE) ratio that is used to analyze a company’s ability to increase its return. Essentially it breaks down how companies can increase their return for investors. Investors are not looking for large or small output numbers but they are looking to analyze what is causing the current ROE. Thus, if an investor is unsatisfied with a low ROE, the company’s management can use the formula to pinpoint the problem area. So, what makes the model advantageous for business owners is that it breaks the firm’s profitability down into component parts thus allowing you to see where the profit actually

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