
Comparing The Economic And Cultural Benefits Of Multigenerational Families

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Background and Significance:

The goal of this action research project is to contrast and compare the economic and cultural benefits of multigenerational households in the Midwest of USA since the economic downturn. This research will focus on multigenerational households of families attending the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) Belleville Head Start Center . The families at this particular Head Start are diverse, young parents with low income and other factors that fit the criteria for this project. The center’s population would have the perfect variables and characteristics for my project. The project would include information on the economic and cultural aspects of different racial/ethnic groups, elder care, single parents, immigrants, black and Hispanics who live in multigenerational homes. The multigenerational families have become a growing topic of interest. Multifamily households are defined by the U.S. Census as family households consisting of three or more generations (U. S. Census Bureau, 2012).
The purpose of this project is to investigate how beneficial it is to families to live in a multigenerational family household. For over twenty years, I have worked with these families and it has been a vital balance to create stability for the family and directly impacted the child. I will use the findings of this action research project to better assist my families to reach a level of self-sufficiency.
Statement of the Problem:

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