Today when one hears words like online learning or distance education, thoughts of digitized content, and images of different types of technological media frequently come to mind. However, traditionally it has been revealed that distance education is actually not a new phenomenon at all. Historically speaking one could actually uncover that distance education was practiced in the United States in the form of correspondence schools as early as the eighteenth century. In fact, one of the first educational programs to provide formal distance educational services to home bound women was founded in 1873, by Anna Eliot Ticknor. The school was called The Society to Encourage Studies at Home, Caruth & Caruth (2013). In the early 18th century these correspondence schools primarily used the U.S. mail system as a method of communication between the student and the teacher. These types of educational systems were also sometimes referred to as independent study.
Notwithstanding, when discerning the above information in historical context, one would have to ask the question, did these pre-industrial correspondence schools help to shape what is commonly known as distance education or e-learning as it exist today? Presumably the answer could be a resounding yes. Not only were there correspondence schools but other forms of anywhere anytime modes of education also existed before the advent of online learning. Simonson, Smaldino, Albright & Zvacek (2012) state that “The original
2b. The title of the book is The Distance Education Evolution: Issues and Case Studies.
“Can You Be Educated from a Distance,” an insightful essay by James Barszcz, brings to focus some of the benefits and disadvantages of Distance Learning education (DL). In it, Barszcz discusses the mechanics of DL courses available to students, the quality of education DL can offer, and some reasoning behind its rapidly growing popularity. “Can You Be Educated from a Distance” is an engaging article that students of all ages can benefit from.
The Distance Education homepage can be found at I would like to repeat again a few statements from the course set up above. I realize that distant education is a wonderful opportunity to complete a class without having to physically come to class. But this opportunity comes with added cost of more effort from each student. Please review the following items to verify that you have the basic skills, equipment and much needed ambition to properly complete this course.
We, as humans, fear the unknown, and change is after often at the root of our fears. One of the greatest catalysts for change is today’s rapid technological development, but the concept of traditional education has always been the same. Even that is changing, and as to be expected, there is a substantial amount of fear and apprehension towards distance education. With this, students are presented the chance to overcome of a
Distance education institutions globally, are faced with the high dropout rate. The isolation of students from their institutions, teachers and other students is the main cause of high dropout rate according to Simpson (2016). As a result, distance education
Many advocates of distance education are ardent about their venue and very critical of traditional education. These online education devotees view traditional classes as being unchangeable, inflexible, teacher-centered, and static (Angiello, 2010). However, proponents argue that many simply would not be able to get a degree without distance education—the full-time police officer, the mother of four, or the individual living in a rural area approximately 100-200 miles away from any educational institution. Many individuals desperately need distance education courses because they "have jobs, families, civic responsibilities. They are thirsting. But some want us to say, 'Sorry you don’t want to drink the water there, but we can’t bottle our fresh spring water, so you’ll have to come here or drink nothing" (Baker, 1986). Proponents contend that distance education is "as good as" traditional education. In other words, learning occurs as much in distance education as it does in traditional education. However, is this really so? Does distance education work better for some students
Nowadays, education becomes one of the important things in human life. Most people are aware of the necessity of a higher education. In this present day with the technology there are more options to obtain education. Besides attending traditional schools, people can get an online education. Although there is a similarity between online education and traditional education, the differences between them are more noteworthy.
Online distant learning programs help make the easy connection of students in a program connect to the more accessible home environment in a simple way. Students are now given the option of getting their education and making their own schedules, without going through a second person in an easy more efficient way. Consequently, to succeed in online courses and programs the student must have good time management, a computer or laptop, and internet connection. Also online distant learning programs are subjectively done through monologue, not our dialogue; having been previously filmed and then posted on the internet stating course information, not caring about the viewers, or if the
With high speed internet available to potential students of all economic levels, schools are opting to implement online classes into their traditional teaching curriculum. As a result, our society is divided in two different ways of thinking on the education. Some believe the modern method is better than the traditional method of teaching. Personally, I believe both methods should balance one another instead of attempting to substitute one another; this way their purpose of educating will be far more successful.
Non-traditional students are finding it easier and easier to maintain a job, a family, and pursuing a college career at the same time. This is possible because more and more non-traditional students are receiving an education using distance learning, as opposed to traditional, in-the-classroom teaching. Distance learning is basically taking college level, credit-bearing courses via the Internet. One of the most obvious advantages of distance learning is that it puts the classroom in your home, office, or wherever you can find a computer and log on to the Internet. However, there is much controversy regarding the quality of the courses being offered on the Internet versus the quality of
Distance learning (education) has become an integral part of the education process over the past few decades and is growing in popularity as technology advances.(Willis 1992) describes distance education (as) "the organizational framework andprocess of providing instruction at a distance. Distance education takes place when ateacher and student(s) are physically separated, and technology…(is) used to bridge theinstruction gap." (Coutts 1996). Furthermore, "distance learning activities are designedto fit the specific context for learning, the nature of the subject matter; intended learningoutcomes, needs and goals of the learner, the learner's environment and the instructional echnologies and methods." (American
Distance education is defined as “the interplay between people who are teachers and learners, in environments that have the special characteristic of being separate from one another, and a consequent set of special teaching and learning behaviors (Moore and Kearsley, 1996, p. 200).” If Moore and Kearsley’s (1996) three interactions of student- content, student-teacher, student-student, are incorporated into the existing support system, these goals can be achieved. Most children in these areas are not provided with the opportunities or necessities to get the education they deserve. Access to a school setting is often limited, if not non-existence. Distance education provides an opportunity for most of these children to receive a quality education. Since student- teacher and student-student interaction are limited, a strong learner support system is needed. The challenges presented above call for a solution. There are three recommendations that need to be proposed or changed to the existing support system to meet this
A unique advantage of technology which further promotes the major role it plays in today’s learning is distance education, which relies on students’ learning experience outside the borders of the classroom. Distance education refers to a prearranged curriculum of instruction in which the instructor and students are physically separated to distributed education and open learning (Pandey, 2017). The greatest advantage of distance education is that it is accessible to students anywhere and anytime at their own pace. Online classes include discussion boards posting collaborative projects and game-based activities. Unfortunately, Kuwait’s ministry of education rejected distance education and its governorates insisted on physical attendance of classes, while the world education is heading toward distance education (Pandey, 2017). There is a range of benefits for taking distance learning which include flexibility and making learning convenient for students with a busy lifestyle as they can choose when they want to study. In addition, it could make the students stay interested with innovating interactive resources. Distance learning offers an engaging alternative to traditional learning methods, the ability of networking by which it is possible for students to use video content to review the lessons. Moreover, there is a possibility that students play educational games which are related to the lesson and keep them motivated through their course. As shown above, Kuwait must acknowledge distance education which will expand their education by providing the needed funding to turn such an enhancing experience into
A student not only learns content in traditional classrooms, but they as well learn many other skills due to the social interaction they have with each other. They learn skills that only help them in that specific class, but they learn skill that will help them through their life. Skill such as teamwork, and who to be a leader and a follower. This portion of the course is somewhat always neglected in distance education courses. Being in an isolated environment without any face to face interaction may deplete a student’s ability to socially interact with their peers and professors. This can even be unhealthy in some cases. That being said distance education programs have been continually trying to close the gap of social interaction. Distance education has online communities that try to conduct a social event to provide the social interaction of traditional classroom courses. The social interaction portion of Traditional classroom course appeals more to the younger crowd of student due to them wanting the college experience. The want to be able to make friends and attend social events. Older adults tend not to care as much and want to save time by participating in distance education. It really depends on one preference as to when they decide to participate in distance education or traditional classroom courses.
Education is an important part of people’s lives; it will either make them or break them in the future depending on the careers they choose. Education is greatly diverse today in comparison to the 1950s because of advancements in teaching and other great inventions that provide easier techniques of teaching. One major issue that has been raised is distant learning courses and online education.