
The Education System Of College Classrooms

Decent Essays

The education system has come a long way from the way it once began. It simply started as a means of teaching and providing institution, but now educators are hoping to shift gears and reform the education system to create a more interactive learning system by allowing students to produce creative and innovative ideas. Gaming has been one of the most frequent ways of attempting to implement that shift in a classroom.

The education system’s biggest issue was that instruction was used as a means to an end and did not promote learning. This problem still tends to exist today, especially in college classrooms. There is more of a promotion towards passive listening with lectures and while this may seem to be a successful method of teaching a plethora of information over a smaller period of time, it only proves to retain in students’ memories for a short-term period. Another factor that the education system fails to account for is the gaps in academic or financial standing. Sticking with a strict and non-versatile curriculum to test students is not fairly testing students’ education. Students need a more creative form of assessment. In terms of financial standing, there tends to be an economic inequality that varies school to school because some schools are located in areas that aren’t as well off as others. The current education system gives the wealthier areas to have a higher amount of opportunities in different forms of advancing their human capital than the poorer ones.

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