
The Education System Of Polk County Public Schools

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Area of Expertise I was chosen to sit on the committee due to my many years of service in the education system. I bring 15 years of experience as an educator, coach, mentor and supervisor. This experience in the k-12 setting has allowed me to work with hundreds of teachers and administrators. During my tenor with the school district I have been asked to sit on dozens of committees, from curriculum, book adoption, finance, to diversity just to name a few. I hold two masters degrees in education; which has afforded me the knowledge and wherewithal to prefect my craft. Demographics of District Polk county public schools consist of 63 languages spoken, representing 151 countries. Nearly 11,000 students speak Spanish, 720 speak Haitian Creole and 100 speak Arabic language. In this school district 39 percent of students’ ages 0-17 live below the poverty line(“Diversity Management”, 2012). Unfortunately 19.3 percent of all children in Florida also live below the poverty line. 67 percent of the students enrolled in Polk County Public schools met federal guideline to quality for free or reduce lunch. 79 out of 158 schools in Polk County are classified as Title 1 schools. Polk County Population breakdown by racial makeup: White 66.3 percent, Black 15 percent, Hispanic 17.7 percent, Asian 1 percent, Native American less than 1 percent, Pacific Islander less than 1 percent. The district includes 158 principals and about 240 assistant principals (“Diversity Management”, 2012).

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