Area of Expertise I was chosen to sit on the committee due to my many years of service in the education system. I bring 15 years of experience as an educator, coach, mentor and supervisor. This experience in the k-12 setting has allowed me to work with hundreds of teachers and administrators. During my tenor with the school district I have been asked to sit on dozens of committees, from curriculum, book adoption, finance, to diversity just to name a few. I hold two masters degrees in education; which has afforded me the knowledge and wherewithal to prefect my craft. Demographics of District Polk county public schools consist of 63 languages spoken, representing 151 countries. Nearly 11,000 students speak Spanish, 720 speak Haitian Creole and 100 speak Arabic language. In this school district 39 percent of students’ ages 0-17 live below the poverty line(“Diversity Management”, 2012). Unfortunately 19.3 percent of all children in Florida also live below the poverty line. 67 percent of the students enrolled in Polk County Public schools met federal guideline to quality for free or reduce lunch. 79 out of 158 schools in Polk County are classified as Title 1 schools. Polk County Population breakdown by racial makeup: White 66.3 percent, Black 15 percent, Hispanic 17.7 percent, Asian 1 percent, Native American less than 1 percent, Pacific Islander less than 1 percent. The district includes 158 principals and about 240 assistant principals (“Diversity Management”, 2012).
High School is an incredibly important period of life. It influences your social, academic, and personal life for four years, and prepares you for college and a career. This is the reason County Prep High School is my school of choice. County Prep's thriving social environment, challenging academic curriculum, and wide variety of electives will help me successfully carry out my plans for the future.
I felt being on the board would give me a more in depth knowledge of the district and that I could offer a parent's perspective on the issues the district faces,” Mullion said.
Public education is under funded, especially in the state of Alabama. I attended public school in the state of Alabama so I experienced it first hand. Low funds for the arts department and many of the science experiments are just some of the areas that are affected by the low funding. In the 2012-2013 school years, Alabama had over 744,637 students enrolled in a total of 1,637 schools. Alabama’s school funding has gone down 14% since 2008. Many school systems have to spend additional money from local revenue on top of what the state provides because it is not enough. Low funding in Alabama is a problem that could be fixed through a lottery system and a weighted school system.
Our current school, Crestview Elementary, is located in Gainesville, Florida. Gainesville is a mid-size suburban community situated in Alachua County, which found in the northern part of Florida. Crestview Elementary has been a part of the Gainesville community for 60 years and served approximately 340 students in grades one through five. The school in located near serval low-income housing apartments, as well as an established housing subdivision. Ninety-seven percent of the student population is served by our free and reduce lunch program. The ethnic makeup of our school includes 90 percent African-Americans, 6 percent Hispanics, and 4 percent whites. Historically our school’s grade has fluctuated between a ‘C’ and ‘D’, with
I believe I am the right person for this position because I will dedicate myself to this organization 100%. Throughout my entire life I have held the values of equality and acceptance of all individuals. Chairing as the Chapter Relations Director would benefit the
If selected, I will be glad to be a member of the education, transportation and finance committees. These committees touch on different aspects in the economy ranging from the
1. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system, which includes the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, had more than 84,000 students in 107 schools in the 1968-1969 school year. Approximately 29% (24,000) of the pupils were Negro, about 14,000 of whom attended 21 schools that were at least 99% Negro.
In the state of Florida there were 2,634,822 students enrolled in public K-12. The average student to teacher ratio in the state of Florida is 15.7. Out of the total number of students in the state of Florida 1,109,189 were White. This means Whites are the majority by almost half. Children who were Hispanic and enrolled were 675,724. Hispanics make up about 25% of public school enrollments. The number of black students enrolled were 580,588, coming out to about 22% of the total enrolled population. All other races come out to about 3% of the population. ("Florida Public Schools - View All Public Schools in
The student population of the Okaloosa County School District is a diverse group representing many different ethnic and cultural groups, socio-economic levels, and stages of academic achievement. The county has an estimated population of 81% Caucasian, 10% African-American, 0.7% Native
In 1945, a California LULAC Council victoriously sued to merge the Orange County School System, which had been isolated in light of the fact that Mexican youngsters were inadequately dressed and mentally sub-par compared to white kids (Takaki, 378). In 1954, LULAC brought another historical case, Hernandez versus the State of Texas, to challenge the fact that a Mexican American had never been called to jury duty in Texas (Class Lecture, 11/30). The Supreme Court administered this as illegal. In the twentieth century, starting with the 1952 Hernandez v. Texas suit, the case started to turn gradually and unyieldingly (“A Class Apart”). That case prompted the first case contended in the United States Supreme Court by Mexican American lawyers.
The Chicago Public School system was slow to integrate even after the Brown v. Board of Education ruling of 1954. It took much protesting, federal involvement and public outrage to finally bring about more racial equality for the students of Chicago. While the Brown v. Board of Education ruling is thought of as being the reason any racial equality was brought to schools after such long hardships for the African American students, Chicago had a difficult time bringing the ruling to fruition and federal involvement was needed. The Chicago Public School’s Desegregation Consent Decree of 1980 was the order that changed the public schools for the good. Chicago’s story of integration is different than those of other big cities in the U.S, due to the federal government 's large involvement. Through the years after the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling, the School Superintendents changed and school desegregation was faced in different ways. This essay examines what led to the federal government 's involvement with the Chicago Public School system’s desegregation plan. As well as the effects of desegregation on all students in Chicago.
In a progressively more globalized world that necessitates more effective educational practices, the U.S., once the biggest global force in education, has seen its dominance slowly slip out, and its educational status fall even lower than that of several third-world countries. The decline experienced in American school system academic achievement is not as a result of lack of funding, but as a consequence of the overall educational system watering down. According to Gatto, educating children through the existing public school system of America is crippling rather than helping them. From his essay, ‘Against School,’ it is established that the goal of the whole public school system is to limit people’s intelligence in an attempt to create a society that is manageable. Gatto continues to state that action is needed to change this situation. He supports his assertions using current and historical information about the American school system and his personal experience. After reading his article, one realizes that most of Gatto’s arguments are true. It is true that the American education system is making the students comfort to the government and society norms, which is why they are easily bored. This essay’s goal will, therefore, be to support John Gatto’s beliefs.
The racial make-up of the system 's student population includes less than 1% Asian, 3% multi-racial, 18% Hispanic, 30% Black, and 48% White. All students in Candler County are eligible for breakfast and lunch at no cost. In addition, all schools are Title I Schoolwide Schools. There is a Mennonite Church School, with a little over 20 students attending, located in the geographic boundaries of Candler County and 27 students are home-schooled.
An advisory committee will be formed consisting of no more than an 8 member sample of the major stakeholders group, parents of currently enrolled high school students, contributors from the local community, and administration from the school district. The following is a breakdown of the members and the roles they will play in the committee:
I feel that my placement in this committee is justified because the works done by this committee matches the objectives of my needs and for the district too. It serves my district needs because the importance of education, transportation and border security is quite weak in my district so to improve the condition of the district these committees would be very essential and would improve the financial factors of the district as well as the state. I can gain more experience from this is involves in my interest I can learn a lot from it and can further improve my learning in this field so that later I can give away my experience to every people and they can follow my path and lead the district to success as well as the state.