Today the perception of world is totally changed now the main difference between developed and underdeveloped countries is education because it plays an important role in country`s development. The main reason of this perception is that education is the only source that create ability in any country’s people to think and then to develop in the direction that they want. Egypt is the important country as far as Islamic countries are concerned, In Egypt, we find that they faced educational problems like many other countries but their education system is gradually improved.
Progress of educational system:
The education system of the country is the largest one as compare to Middle East and North African system of education and the government
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Problems: There are many issues that Egyptian education system is faced therefore if they improved it they do many reforms in different forms. Like, graduate faced unemployment due to educational skills they do not qualify for high jobs. Students leave education at primary level so that they remain illiterate. Many students faced difficulties at secondary school level because reading and writing ways are not appropriate at this level (Group, 2008).
I. Curriculums
II. Different systems
III. Unqualified teachers
1. Curriculums:
This is one of key causes of Egyptian educational system, the curriculum is depending upon memorizing, and students get study just for clear the exams. According to Bill Beattie, main purpose of education is to learn something that improve our thinking not just to learn how we think about things, so that we are able to think about ourselves and improved our society (Singh, 2006). whole educational system of Egypt depend upon memorization of curriculum because if students memorize their curriculum in well-mannered they get good grades but the issue is that in this why they usually not understand the topic or things that taught, therefore when someone wants their opinions or ask something other than curriculum they are blank. in fact we can say a good way to get education is that student not only learn but also know how to create and think of it as Dr.
In every civilization in the world, education proves to be the main force of advancement. This is especially true in Islamic
Education plays a major role in the modern life to all individuals in society. It has allowed societies to prosper both socially and economically by enabling them to develop common values and culture. Our world is constantly changing and it requires a prepared society that is well prepared in understanding the problems deriving from culture differences and tolerance of one another’s beliefs and perceptions. We are dealing with systemic problems in education, economic, government, religion and culture differences.
Being un-educated is like being an infant in a dark room, both will constantly be anxious about their lack of knowledge or information. Millions of people in various countries across the world are condemned to this darkness due to their inability to receive an education. In Three Cups of Tea by David Oliver Relin, the abysmal state of the education in third world countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan stems from the absence or atrocious state of schools. This can be seen by looking at the influence the Taliban had over the system, the backwards nature of the madrassa’s which ingrained hate in the minds of children and also, the sexism in society. All these factors led to desperation amongst people to get an education for themselves or their
During the Islamic Revolution in the Iranian country, education was essential to the people. Shah wanted the Western education because he believed that it was best for the Iranian people. Most of the women were involved in the demonstration of wearing the veil has some western education. The Islamic revolution wanted things to go back to the original Islamic culture. Based on the Complete Persepolis, in 1979, a revolution took place and later called “The Islamic Revolution”. This is the period they were forcing people to do what they don’t want to do. The women were also forced to wear the veil including the school girls. Being Educated will help to change a country, especially in undeveloped countries. When people are getting a quality education it will make life easier for them. Being educated is the most achievement anyone can make in their lifetime. The more education you have, the more knowledge you gain to solve a problem in any situation you have encountered. In Marjane’s life education makes her to have confidence and satisfaction in everything she has done. The people should encourage education, in our societies.
During the rule of Mansa Musa the city of Timbuktu was the learning center of Africa. During the reign of Songhai and Mali rulers many educational inventions were made because their rulers felt educations was important. Even without European technology the empires still discovered things on their own. Mali’s large university attracted many scholars. In the Kingdom of Songhai education was supported by the rule Mohammed I Askia just like Mansa Musa did. Mohammed supported Islamic
In fact, there are still some countries struggling to offer education because they are still in development. Countries in Africa, such as Sudan, are primary victims. According to a research paper, “education is one of the main priorities for the people of South Sudan. As recent studies show, many communities in South Sudan view education as the most important peace dividend.” (Barnaba). After the analysis of school enrollment and completion rates in Sudan, results were rather low. Sudan, a third world country, currently is going through the state of being the most illiterate country in the world. It has placed education as its top priority and may will be finding ways to encourage families to send students.This ultimately has been caused through the poverty of the parents and thus requiring help in supporting the health of the family making education a second priority. Due to that reason, the country is still developing. A huge gap separates the developed countries from the developing countries solely based on the education systems. The paper states, “there is also concern raised on lack of attention to education quality and its failure to reach the marginalized as contributing to the learning crisis”(“Fix the Gaps in Our Education System [column]”). There is a weak management of schooling in many third world countries, which is a primary reason to why they have not developed yet. This is the reason for the gap and
Abubakar stresses why education is valuable beyond the focus of intellectual development and how education influences the well-being of a society. The author provides a general overview on the dilemma of illiteracy in developing countries and statistics conveying: adult literacy rates, children out-of-school information, and figures on literacy level improvements and literate populations.
Women’s visions in life are not nurtured, and this kills because they could have been the next neurosurgeon or teacher. Also, it is not in the people’s interest to seek education for their children. The older folk generation does not believe education, in any way, is important to succeed in life (PBS). Their belief is that if their daughters are good in their chores and duties as women of the house they will marry well. The Middle East needs its own education system because the Western style does not quite adjust to the people. Shortage of funds is the main principle as to why
Education is a key role in providing individuals with the knowledge, skills and competences, which are important to participate effectively in society and in the economy. Moreover, it believes that in such areas as health, civic participation, political interest and happiness, education can improve people’s lives. It speeds up development of nation and country. Education is also about learning skills of life. Studies, which were made by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, show that educated people live longer and take participation in politics and in the community, where they live, more actively (OECD, Better life, Index.2015). However, one of the main problem of mankind is also education and starting formal schooling. In different countries, we can notice different education system and this essay will demonstrate similarity and differences of education system between England and Australia.
These days, education is most important for people to improve their life . All countries need the education and care about it because it helps in development and improvement rapidly in all field especially in the economy area . the education system in Saudi Arabia and education system in Australia have same school system and age of school . however , they have some difference in the time table and the school year calendar.
In other countries children not educated and sometimes they are not literate. Education is a big deal in children’s lives because without education, children will grow up and not have the skills they need to get a job to support themselves. Even though the dramatic improvements over the decade, progress towards better
Education is not to teach children how to learn; no, it is to make factory workers. Students are expected to memorize facts the teacher narrates and recite them back later for an exam, quiz, or
There are many countries where culture or religion can sometimes deny certain peoples ' right to have an education, restricting them from going to school to learn. Those countries don’t see the benefits people can get from learning new languages, or learning their own history. One of these countries that do such restrictions of education is Pakistan. In the country of Pakistan, some people think that there is no use of education, it 's unnecessary
Education remains to be the priority of all nations around the globe. Most countries devote vast resources to guarantee equal education opportunities to all their students. Most education systems are developed to meet the economic and social demands of the country, both locally and globally. As the world’s 8th highest education spender, Saudi Arabia initiates an overhaul on the education system. It is the largest country in the Middle East. The Saudi Arabian education has gone through an astounding transformation. Initially, education was only available to few people who were children of the wealthy families. However, the transformation of the Saudi Education is now offering education to all children regardless of their social status.
I think education is indispensable to everyone in this earth , all of people want to study to have many choices in their life . But some parts are not like to study at all , they always hide from education and after that they don’t have good futures . In this side , we going to talk about what effect does illiteracy have all around the world . And it effects a lot , they decreases industries, education and some business jobs because if we don’t have education , it means we don’t knowledge, so we cant help to improve the world’s industry . You can see in Africa , they don’t have good education so they become illiteracy , and then in Africa , they don’t have good industry because they don’t knowledge to improve that