qualitative methods. According to Saunders et al (2007), qualitative research method is time consuming, because it collects the data through interviewing and observation. Tashakkori and Creswell (2007) argued that conducting the research is useful within positivist paradigm if the investigation is required from in depth observation within the inductive reasoning and phenomenological paradigm framework. However, as the investigation can be possible through in depth observation, the participants may not be large due to the time and resource constraint. In this regard, Tewksbury (2009) suggests to collect the data with the use quantitative research method which can include a large participants and generalize the results subsequently.
In order to carry out the research on the examination of the effect of corporate governance practices on firm performance in Saudi Arabia, compared to qualitative method, quantitative research technique has been used due to some predictive advantages. As per Saunders et al (2007), predictive nature of research can be enhanced through quantitative method, because it is more scientific than that of qualitative approach which allows the summarization of the results. And quantitative method allows collecting data from a large number of respondents; for example, 30 large listed companies are selected from Saudi Stock Exchange for this research. Thirdly, quantitative approach enhances effectiveness and efficiency in the process of data collection,
The researcher must set a clear hypothesis, showing the relationship between independent and dependent variables. In quantitative research tools are used to collect numerical data. The information can be gathered using questionnaires or some type of equipment. Quantitative data is efficient at testing a hypothesis, but can miss contextual detail. In quantitative research, the researcher is often objectively separated from the subject matter. One of the ways quantitative research is different from qualitative research is that quantitative research requires extraction of large amounts of statistical data. Qualitative research is focused in on personal viewpoints and opinions of a smaller number of subjects (typically). Qualitative research can take more time than quantitative research (McCusker & Gunaydin,
The article is written to help readers gain a solid understanding the roles of corporate governance, both inside and outside the company. Its goal is simply to impart information, not make claims or arguments on its own. I will be judging it mainly on the sources gathered, numerous examples and explanations given and the overall effectiveness it possesses in effectively communicating its ideas.
(2005) which explain that the exploration and description of case take place through detailed, in-depth data collection methods which multiple sources of data collection method in order to acquire information that are rich in context .Tessier (20120 supported that combination of data collection methods should be used in qualitative study to improve quality of data
Research and research methods are essential within the field of health. These research methods allow for knowledge acquisition, which is a key part of evidence-based practice. This is important as health practitioners are often required to demonstrate how their clinical practice is reliable by reference to published research. Qualitative research method is one of the main approaches used throughout all health disciplines, to obtain information that will support the foundations of evidence-based practice. Qualitative research can be defined as data collection and analysis which is descriptive, and involves the data being presented with an emphasis on words rather than on numbers. It focuses on research at a micro level, and is ideal when it comes to producing a large amount of data in detail about a smaller group of people. When using qualitative research it is important to have an understanding of the different qualitative approaches and practices that may be used to obtain the required data. This could include such qualitative approaches and practices as In-depth Interviewing, Focus Groups, and Grounded Theory. Having this understanding allows for critical appraisal of articles on qualitative research, which will lead to further knowledge that can be used as a part of evidence based practice.
Qualitative methods may include focus groups, in-depth interviews, and reviews of documents. Primary inductive process is used to formulate theory or hypotheses. The qualitative method is more subjective, it describes a problem or condition from the point of view of those experiencing it. It is
Qualitative research method is a systematic strategy used for gathering information that are non-numerical, that is, they use visual and narrative words instead of using number. The data collected are from comprehensive case studies, focus groups a qualitative research approach whereby subjects answers an open-ended interview questions, likewise each others ' comments; ethnographies or field observation. (Headlessprofessor, 2012)
In conclusion, in this essay were described most popular research method types, which can be used almost by every chosen topic to investigate. Before choosing a topic it is important to consider what kind of data researcher wants to collect- quantitative or qualitative, because method aims differ. Surveys and questionnaires are used to collect quantitative and objective data, whereas interviews, experiments and observations are used to gather qualitative and subjective data.
Qualitative research comprises of receiving information that gives a verbal expression of the participates, providing more detail and depth than quantitative studies. It can be used to analysis people’s attitudes and emotions towards a topic encouraging them to expand on their answers to explain the reasons behind why they gave a particular response. The drawbacks to this being as it requires more time to collect the data so smaller sample sizes
According to Schneider, Elliot, LoBiondo-Wood & Haber (2004), qualitative research methods, search for the meaning and understanding of human experiences in a naturalistic setting. A researcher obtains subjective facts in order to explore the experiences of each participant (Schneider, Elliot, LoBiondo-Wood & Haber 2004). As a result, qualitative research is a means in which a researcher gains an insight into the participant's point of view concerning their personal experiences; in order gain an understanding of the information given. Therefore this allows a researcher to collect subjective information to create a description of the phenomenon (Vishnevsky & Beanlands 2004).
1. This article focuses on the Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (GIM, 2003) study which found that strong shareholder rights lead to higher stock price returns and thus value. This is a great indicator that good governance has a direct effect on the performance of the firm. The article finds that corporate governance has a positive impact on the firm / management / shareholders. However good governance is not always the correct metric of evaluation for firms and boards. The primary finding of the article is from an economic analysis defending the relation between corporate governance and performance. This article examines the relationships among corporate governance / corporate performance / capital structure / and corporate ownership structure. Many of the past studies have taken into consideration only one measure of governance, while this study focused on seven different governance measures. The article also looks at the performance of a firm and the relationship it has with management turnover or disciplinary actions required.
Methods used in psychological research are used to obtain quantitative or qualitative data. Quantitative data is more often than not derived from methods such as experiments and statistics analysing data using surveys, questionnaires and interviews. Qualitative data tends not to be aimed at finding exact measurements in its findings, but is more concerned with evidence collection and analysis through practices such as observation and ethnography (using observations through involvement in activities over a period of time) (Brownlow 2011).
Qualitative Research is a systematic process by which we attempt to answer a question or resolve a problem of a phenomenon. Qualitative research is non-experimental in its approach to conducting research. Qualitative research stays within the phenomenological paradigm meaning it is subjective in nature, uses inductive analysis method. Its purpose is to explore, explain, and describe a problem and uses multiple strategies of inquiry to collect data. Also, Qualitative research is concerned with finding the answers to questions that begin with why? How? In what way? For example;
It is common for researchers to compare qualitative and quantitative research methods. Quantitative methods originate from positivist and post- positivist research paradigms. Also, the methods objectively examine statistical data to determine cause and affect and often use generalizable data. There are various methods used in quantitative research such as surveys,
Driscoll, Yeboah, Salib, & Rupert, (2007) discussed the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative methods. For example, the benefit of qualitative is the researcher will get more detailed data with a lot of written descriptions because the respondent will have the freedom to answer. But the disadvantage is it will take a longer time to do. On the other hand, for the quantitative method the strength of this technique that the researcher can measure the data and analyze it by using statistics, but it has weakness such as it needs a large number of populations to reach to more accurate
This was a very interesting article, in my opinion it brings to mind the derived phrase, which came first the chicken or the egg. Meaning, is corporate governance an attempt to control the results of unethical practices of corporations or is it meant to deter them. In reading this article, it is clear that certain corporations practiced unethical business behaviors for self-interest, but the questions this author have are: 1. Should corporate governance be regulated by the legislature as well as the organization and to what degree, 2. Is corporate governance, there to protect the shareholder or the stakeholder, 3. How effective is corporate governance on a global level. The need for a governance system is based on the assumption that the separation between the owners of a company and its management provides self-interest executives the opportunity to take actions that benefit themselves, with the cost of these actions borne by the owners (Larcker & Tayan, 2008).