
The Effect Of Organizational Silence On Organization Behavior, Job Performance, And Creativity

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Problem statement: “Impact of organization silence on organization citizenship behaviour, job performance, counterproductive work behaviour and creativity” Aim of study is to determine the relationship between organization silence and organization citizenship behaviour, job performance, counterproductive work behaviour and creativity. Either this relationship has positive influence or negative. Purpose of study: Objective of this quantitative study is to determine the influence of organizational silence on organization citizenship behaviour, job performance, counterproductive work behaviour and creativity. To check either organization silence has positive relation with organization citizenship behaviour, job performance, counter productive work behaviour, and creativity or negative. Secondly, Purpose is to check what behaviours are realistically acceptable at work place and what actually they are representing. Significance of the study: This study has great significance, it can be demonstrated by the following components: Firstly past research on organization silence is very limited as it is emerging topic in research field. There is no direct relationship defined of organization silence with organization citizenship behaviour, job performance, counter productive work and creativity. Silence within organization refers to quieting, restriction, containment, marginalization, trivialization, omission, ghettoization and other form of Exemption (Hazen 2006, Deniz, Noyan, &

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