Effect of Skipping Breakfast on Long Term-Health Eating breakfast is important for the health and development of children and youths. Breakfast is the meal eaten in the morning. The word “breakfast” is derived from the phrase breaking the fast which means we fast while we sleep. A common public health message from reputable sources is that eating breakfast is important to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Starting a day with a good healthy breakfast would maintain a healthy body weight. Although it has been widely advocated that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, there is no evidence that skipping breakfast will give immediate health effects. Breakfast skipping can be seen as part of the voluntary restriction of food intake …show more content…
Nevertheless, most of individual were not being trained on the pattern of having breakfast every morning and healthy lifestyle. A belief also been revolving around on how skipping breakfast might be a good plan of controlling weight without knowing the huge potential of having energy deficit when it is done occasionally by (Levitsky & Pacanowsky, 2013) research explains how the path of skipping breakfast to long-term health effects is created. Begins when individuals are more educated in terms of creating an unhealthy lifestyle, causing them to ignore the vibrant part of it. Most of them especially women prefer to sacrifice perfect healthy lifestyle for an ideal body shape without even knowing the possible effects. Hence, public should be trained and explained on the effects of skipping breakfast to themselves in the future. Campaigns and events encouraging the importance of breakfast to health should be held progressively around the world. Researchers are urge to keep on researching the effects of skipping breakfast as future discoveries surely be valuable to the next human
Sometimes kids don’t have time to eat breakfast in the morning because, they may be late for the bus, they get up late and don’t pick up breakfast on the way to school or leaving out of the house and their parents don’t cook. When the kids get to school they are hungry but don’t want breakfast from school because it tastes horrible.
With concerns of our day to day living we do not have enough time and budget to be choosy of the type of food or the nutritional value of it, what we think of nowadays is just to have something to satisfy our hunger without considering the nutrients that our body needs each day. When we hear diet nowadays often we see it as losing weight by means of controlling food intake, but the truth is diet could also mean eating nutritious foods to supplement our body’s needs of nutrients and the type of foods that we are going to consume.
Some say breakfast really isn’t that important. Stronglifts.com states that, breakfast is not healthier people who don’t eat breakfast are usually the ones who don’t exercise and grab a doughnut on their way to work, eat junk food at noon and a big dinner in front of the TV. This can be true but, some other breakfast foods can be unhealthy also not just a doughnut. Daron Taylor claims that, “If English citizens suddenly began to eat a traditional English breakfast every day, one that comes in at a whopping 855 calories with over 2,000 grams of sodium, the United Kingdom would most likely be facing a monumental national health crisis. The author doesn’t explain why, breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. NPR’s Allison Aubrey claims that “a breakfast of just this kind of sugary cereal is not the way to start the day.” What the author fails to consider is that some people don’t have the money to go eat a healthy breakfast each day.
The importance of a healthy breakfast cannot be underestimated. A child who is undernourished in the morning will not be functional for her class until lunch. Also, schools can act as supporters of positive, healthy behaviors by offering nutritious breakfasts such as fruit and yogurt, versus the fast food breakfasts some adolescents might grab, if they get breakfast at all. Many school districts are beginning earlier and earlier in the day, and students are simply not hungry enough or do not get up early enough in the morning for breakfast, leaving them starving by 10am. Being able to grab breakfast in study hall can thus prevent many potential academic and nutritional problems.
A common idea presented to everyone at an early age is the importance of breakfast and that skipping it can have dire
Men who skipped breakfast consumed significantly less total daily fat than men who consumed breakfast (Nicklas, Myers, Reger, Beech, & Berenson, 1998).
If he or she has a physical education class, or has an extra curricular sport after school, he or she may not have the energy needed coming from not having the very most important meal of the day. Even if the child is going to recess they need the energy from that first meal. Eating breakfast can lead to a healthy kid which will decrease sick days where the child may fall behind in school work.
Thesis: Starting off your day with a good healthy breakfast helps you maintain a healthy body weight and to be more productive throughout your day.
Hunger has been a prevalent issue in both established communities and struggling nations around the globe. It seems that there has never been a time when every person on the planet was food secure, and while it is typically assumed that hunger is an issue only in developing nations, malnutrition and hunger are concerns even in the United States. Millions of children across the country live in homes where food is scarce and meals are skipped on a regular basis. Because research supports the connection between nutrition, good health, and cognitive ability, it is critical that methods of addressing food shortages for minor children be found. One solution, the School Breakfast Program, seeks to provide healthy breakfast meals for children
THESIS STATEMENT: Breakfast is an essential part of your morning routine because it kickstarts your metabolism, helps you concentrate and perform better in class, and aids in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Transition: The problem of skipping breakfast however does not only lie within time crunches, but also with dieting.
As scholars are constantly reminded to eat a healthy portion of breakfast before testing, most scholars find themselves wondering, “Would eating breakfast really improve my performance?” According to many psychologists, consuming breakfast may have benefits in performance, but to an extent. However, some have also deduced that breakfasts may also harm the performance of scholars. Nonetheless, scholars who eat a healthy breakfast seem to have higher energy levels and ability than those who did not because of the nutrients consumed and absorbed by the body and mind. Consuming breakfasts would have beneficial effects on learning, to an extent; however, the different types of breakfasts could also have detrimental effects as well. The goal of this research is to determine not if breakfasts improve academic performance, but by how much? In addition, to the fact that there are possible “side effects” to this method of improvement, which leads to ask, are all breakfasts healthy? Scholars eating breakfast in order to improve performance may be possible for academic performance. However, if scholars believe and reason over the fact that eating breakfast does improve academic performance, then the effects of school behavior would be tested. Consuming a breakfast does provide nutrients for the body and mind. However, the nutrients provided could only benefit the body and mind to such a limit. Then, there is also the
Breakfast has long been perpetuated to be the most important meal of the day. It provides the necessary energy that one needs to perform during the day. Skipping breakfast can lead to exhaustion, extreme hunger, and lack of focus. The importance of breakfast cannot be overlooked, but the nutritional value of one’s morning meal is equally important.
Eating healthy is important for many reasons, it will promote intellectual development in children and adolescents prevent major health problems from developing and ensure a long and healthy life style. This research paper will introduce the importance of forming a healthy eating habit from a young age onto the senior years and will also point out some of the negative effects not eating healthy can cause such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, iron deficiency anemia, dental caries, under-nutrition, and eating disorders.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Who here didn’t have their breakfast this morning? I bet most of you did. I used to be one of those too until last month when I did a research on Biology and by chance, came across a fact about how important breakfast is. I believe that as soon as you heard the topic, you will assume that I am going to give you a life lesson as your parents do. “Breakfast is the most essential meal” is spoken by every mother, yet the reasons why we should eat breakfast have never been clarified more clearly and seriously. The following speech will highlight that breakfast is required for three main reasons; first, it helps improve our grades; second, it controls our balance diet; and more importantly; it can promote