
The Effect Of Temperature On Bacterial Amylase, Bacillus Lichenifomis, And Fungal Amylase

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The Effect of Temperature on Bacterial Amylase, Bacillus lichenifomis,
And Fungal Amylase, Aspergillus Oryzae

By: Sebastian Velandia (5443225)

Lab Partners:
Keila Burgos
Maily Hernandez
Michelle Rozo

Lab Section U-46


Abstract: Enzymes take care of catalysis in living organisms. They are used mainly for commercial uses for example, to produce sugars. Throughout the experiment, bacterial amylase, Bacillus lichenifomis, and fungal amylase, Aspergillus Oryzae, were being tested in order to determine the optimal point of the temperature for the respective amylase. The optimal temperature is the temperature at which the enzyme works best. In order to determine the break down of starch, the mixing of amylase with starch would occur. With the help of iodine as an indicator, it could be noted which temperature was the optimum. The outcome showed that for the bacterial amylase, hydrolysis worked best at 55 degrees Celsuis. As for the fungal amylase, hydrolysis worked best at 25 degrees Celsius. As the temperature passed its optimal point, the enzyme would denature or change shape,3 due to the change in the environment. This can be seen with the color changes. Where hydrolysis worked best, it had a bright yellow color as seen in Figure 1. When the enzyme would denature, the color would change to black as seen in Figure 2. All in all, the experiment proved to be successful although there may have been possible sources of

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