A STUDY ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES TO A STUDENT’S ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Kurt Jonas L. Adonis Errol A. Buenaventura Researchers Mrs. Marilyn S. Roque Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School December 2013 Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge our former teacher in research Mrs. Kathyryn Alvarez for teaching us the basics of research. Without her, we would not know anything about research. We would also like to acknowledge our current teacher in research Mrs. Marilyn Roque for guiding us in our research and for teaching us additional information about research. We would like to thank her for giving us enough time for our research. Abstract The …show more content…
This study will help you know if social networking sites help students in achieving their goals or if they only slow them down. B. Background of the study When theses social networking sites became popular, many people used it including adults and teenagers. The reason why these sites became popular is because of their special features like communication through the internet, games that can be played and also meeting someone without actual communication. Examples of the social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, Tumblr, Omegle and many more. The said examples leading users are teenagers who are also students. We decided to make this research because the students that are using social networking sites might become addicted and their attention for studying might be used for using these social networking sites. C. Significance of the Study The purpose of study is to assess the effect of social networking sites on students’ academic performance and student’s behaviour. The variables that determine the use of social networking sites as the independent variable and the dependent variables are students’ academic performance and student’s behaviour. The population of this research was the students of the science high school curriculum of Marcelo H. del Pilar and other students. By making this study, we
One thing in this article that I agree about Is that social media have bad effect on the students’ study performance. Bonnie Roschmann writes, “The more media they consumed per day, the worst students they were. If students spend more than six or seven hours daily on social media then they wouldn’t have enough time to study because they have other things to do during the day such as eating, sleeping, so they are going to end up falling the class.
The is no doubt that social media changed our way of socializing but is this change for good? Fowler and Baughman in their articles talk about social media and its effects on our society. Baughman in his article “growing old in the digital age: an exercise in egotism” argues that social media ruined our way of celebrating important events such as birthdays. He says that now a day we do not enjoy birthdays, because people no longer do it in the traditional way such as making birthday party and so on. In addition, flower in his article “The Facebook addiction spreads” argues that social media especially Facebook has a huge impact on the students’ life. Although it has many befits on the entertaining side, it wastes the students’ time and by writing this article, he is trying to convince his audience to be responsible. Fowler and Baughman are trying to persuade about the side effect of social networking by applying evidence, personal
Social networking helps students find a place in online communities. These communities can help them with self esteem and also show them right from wrong.
There are however many students who do not use social media or who do significantly well in other areas of their studies despite of social media. The authors arguments do not account for those students. Some students who use social media use it briefly
Social media is defined as websites and applications used for social networking, in other words it is a way for people to interact and express themselves without being face to face. Social media has become a large part of the life of teenagers, who make up most of the population of people who are subjected to using social media in their daily lives. Many college students are faced with balancing their social lives with school and even athletics making priorities a big dilemma for them. College students in America are affected in many ways by social media whether it be their social life, their happiness, or their grades.
An abundance of parents are distressed by the amount of time their teens are using social media, and if they spend suitable time in the real world and studying. A recent study at UNH showed that college students grades have not been affected by the time they spent on social media, even the students more heavily engaged are still acquiring the indistinguishable grades as the lighter users.
Karpinski, (2011). A description of Facebook use and academic performance among undergraduate and graduate students’ - A.C Karpinski. Retrieved from September 2011. https://www.simplilearn.com/real-impact-social-media-article
The goal of this paper is to examine the effects of social media on teenagers and young adults. This study is aimed at looking at whether social media as a key influence in determining the attention span of young people and their capability in fulfilling their studies and responsibilities. As participation in technological social network has become a mainstream communication method for many, this research will delve on the underlying problems of social media addiction among students. It is also for this reason that this research will conduct a thorough survey on the causal relation between the amount of time spent on social media and the academic results in students. This paper will also look on the relationship between the age and the number of hours spent on social media.
A second factor, social media could also have a huge effect on education. The use of social networks such as facebook and twitter are very well known, especially by most college students. David Gewirtz realized that some of the people who see a personal social media website could be a friend, potential employer, and even a stranger. Gewirtz warned most students to monitor what they are posting online. He says “ You could be a teenager today who is 15 and say inappropriate things, and then as an adult looking for a job as a CEO.” He is sending people a warning to monitor what they post because what is on that website might potentially ruin a chance of employment. (Michelle 1-2). College
(procon.org. 1). Anyway, while we pond on that question, let us discuss why social media discourages students from studying or why students who uses social networking sites don’t do well in school. Besides the fact that students who use social networking sites use them to connect with their family, and long distance friends, proponents of social networking sites may argue that it helps students to do better at school, and that 59% of students with access to the internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics and 50% use these sites talk about school assignments, according to procon.org (2). However, since these sites are not one hundred percent accurate and reliable, how are we sure that the students who uses social networking sites are actually doing well in their academics and not failing when it is obvious non users of social networking sites perform better. As a matter of fact, what chance does a student who uses social networking sites stand to a student who spends their time outside classroom doing their homework’s, reading their class notes, textbooks, and novels, and spending their time on other things other than on social networking sites? In as much as many of us don’t see the harm social networking sites are having on our students, it is an undeniable fact
Ellison, Steinfield and Lampe identify that social networking sites are among the main use of internet today. According to the authors, social networking sites are among the social media platforms that facilitate interaction in the computer environment. The writers identify the main motives for using social networking sites, for example, Facebook. One of the benefits is that Facebook improves the quality of life both social and at workplaces. According to the writers, social media has become common in the society that a majority cannot remember previous life without them. Social networking sites have become popular among college students who find it as a major platform for social interaction.
Our lives seem to be more and more consumed by technology as great advances in this area have continue to be made, especially when it comes to social media. Many researchers have begun to notice that depending on how much time individuals spend on these social media sites, they can negatively affect their daily lifestyle in very significant ways. For example, social networking has become a huge distraction for students and it can affect their grades depending on how often they check their various accounts while doing class work. Researchers have also come to find out that social media can contribute to the development of psychological symptoms
Are we becoming less human with the passing of each day? Have we become too dependent on technology, specifically social media? In this day and age, people have different views on social media. They question its true purpose and its effect on society as a whole. With that said, although there are many thoughts concerning the topic/trend of social media something that is undoubtedly true is that social media plays an active role in the lives of the majority of people. Whether in a positive or negative way, social media influences the lives of all people. However this paper focuses on the effect of social media on college students. It addresses both the positive and negative effects of social media on those in college; focusing on a student’s academic efficiency, social interactive skills, and overall productivity.
Studies have shown that the average person now spends more time each day on their phone and computer than they do sleeping according to Nick McGillivray (“What are the Effects of Social Media on Youth?). Social has become part of our social society, especially for the many youths. There are positives to being on social media and also equal amounts of danger that come with using social networking sites, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. These social networking sites also have effects on today’s youth by altering the way they behave, the way they learn, in not only a classroom setting but also in the real world setting, and the way that they socialize with their peers and others.
Generally, this research paper is giving information about the effects of social networking sites, particularly Facebook and Twitter, to the studies of selected grade 8 students of St. Mary’s Academy of Caloocan City.