Swedish Chemist Svante Arrhenius laid out the first basic ideas of climate change in 1896 (Weart 34). Some of these basic ideas were the causes of climate change, such as the greenhouse effect (Anttila-Hughes, Oppenheimer 11). At this point in time, this was all new research which influenced others to continue the research on climate change. As time progressed, more and more people began to believe in the effects of climate change due to the large amounts of research done since Arrhenius introduced the issue (Weart 34). Nowadays, the idea of climate change is argued whether it exists or not. The United States’ current president, Donald Trump, for example, has stopped all funding for climate change research in order to use that money for …show more content…
None of the Republican House Representatives would vote for his proposals and plans, which made it difficult at first for Obama to do much towards climate change (Kramer 29). After various proposals being turned down, one of the proposals were actually passed. Obama was able to provide “[...] $80 billion in funding for renewable energy, which sparked the subsequent stratospheric growth in wind and solar power, and a substantial boost in vehicle fuel efficiency” (Hertsgaard 72). This was one of the first actions Obama was able to accomplish towards climate change, which ended up helping companies use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels for their energy. A mistake that Obama made during the early parts of his first term was that he did not make much of an effort to inform the common people about the issues and causes of climate change (Coen 306). This mistake made it hard for Obama to get much support or understanding from the people, which made it even more difficult than it was to propose ideas about climate change.
As time went on, it still was difficult for Obama to pass legislation, but he was able to get the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) passed to slow down the effects of climate change. The ARRA was an act that was created by Obama, and was used for various reasons. The main use of The ARRA was for creating and saving jobs of the common people, but Obama was actually able
Article 1: This article tells about President Obama vetoing Keystone Jobs Bill on grounds that approval of the construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline would damage the U.S. effort to curb greenhouse gases. The article frames Obama as an environmental hero, quoting the president in saying, “America is now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight climate change… And frankly, approving this project would have undercut that global leadership. And that’s the biggest risk we face — not acting.” The authors also cite Secretary of State John Kerry in saying “The United States cannot ask other nations to make tough choices to address climate change if we are unwilling to make them ourselves.” The
Through looking at recorded snow fall totals, Lake Freeze overs, and agriculture impacts one is able to start seeing trends in environmental changes. By looking at record snow fall records we can get a sense of historical air temperature and see how a specific location has been warming. Lake Freeze over data also gives good indications of an average air temperature increase. But there are still many people in this world that doubt that climate change is real. Yes earth goes through different periods of time where the climate has changed drastically. Look at the Ice Age, there was a time where a huge glacier stretched all the way across Vermont and in some places that glacier was 2 miles thick. Take for example, former Texas governor Rick Perry, who is in charge of the Department of Energy stated in 2011 that, “Global warming was an unproven scientific theory.”(Sidahmed, M. (2016, December 15). To the new presidential administration the topic of climate change has been looked at as a joke or even as a false idea. What we now know with the amounts of glaciers residing and the rise in temperatures and sea levels I believe that this subject is a bigger topic than what they believe. This subject needs to be taken seriously and we as humans need to take responsibility for some of our actions that have impacted climate change. I strongly disagree with many different actions that our president has taken regarding the issue
Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time. These long lasting changes are detrimental to multiple aspects of society (global warming). The Environmental Protection Agency has said the Keystone XL pipeline will impact global warming as well. Senator Sanders has led the opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. Energy efficient products are available to help combat climate change. Senator Sanders secured $3.2 billion in the economic stimulus package for energy efficient upgrades to buildings. That program resulted in energy efficient upgrades for thousands of buildings and installation of thousands of solar energy systems. Senator Sanders also combats climate change by supporting tax on carbon and methane emissions. Scientists are convinced that methane produced by livestock is a major cause of global warming. Taxing meat would lower the demand for it and therefore reduce the production of global warming gasses from livestock. That is why Senator Sanders supports the carbon and emissions
Lastly, the most worrisome of all, there was no mention of global climate change within Trump’s speech. Not mentioning the issue of climate change means that he is not concerned with it, and therefore by association, neither is America. Furthermore, the neglect of mentioning climate change within the speech means that he has no future intentions of addressing the issue, and that we will have to wait for our next president to act. This is time that we do not have to
First, I am going to consider the issue, “impacts of climate change”, voted in 2014. This is an offer for an amendment to the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriation Act. This act is to prohibits federal agencies to consider
This paragraph will look at how President-elected Donald Trump can become the “Make America Great Again” President through the use of environmental policy. The Obama Administration has made real progress in developing a wide range of initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions through clean energy policies. In 2009, “President Obama set aggressive energy and sustainability goals for the federal government
Outside of tax incentives (Dewitte, 2013), there are many benefits to hiring veterans in your workforce. From first hand experience, I have seen the dedication to mission, unwavering focus, drive, initiative, motivation, and standards of excellence that many veterans practice. As the daughter of a 23-year, twice deployed, disabled Army veteran and now a wife to a twice-deployed, career Army husband, I can attest to these characteristics and believe they make most veterans extremely valuable assets for an organization. Other important quality veterans bring to the table is their leadership capabilities, practical on-the-job training and experience (Dewitte, 2013), the ability to collaborate and work in teams, ability to work in stressful environments, and experience with workforce diversity.
Egypt was a complex civilization in many ways. It was important because of the civilization indicators.
My experience at Walden West was amazing! I had so much fun making new friends, trying new experiences, and new emotions (mostly balling my eyes for out on Friday ). In all I had a great experience there and want to go back there as a camp leader in high school and this summer even. My favorite things were definitely the food, friends, and field class. They all helped me have the best experience at science camp I could ever have. It was hard for me to leave without crying.
“All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster.” BARACK OBAMA, speech, Apr. 3, 2006. Climate change is not a theory contrary to what many individuals believe and is in fact confirmed by major scientific agencies such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States. Global Warming causes are mainly due to greenhouse gases
The concept of climate change has been around for quite a while. The earliest mention of climate change dates back to the 19th century. Swedish scientist, Svante Archenius was the first scientist to study the effect of CO2 on climate. (Rodhe et al 1997)
Within the past few decades, there has been no political or public discussion as heated and controversial as the debate over climate change. Climate disputes can be traced back all the way to 1837, when Louis Agassiz proposed a theory claiming that Switzerland had once been covered with large ice sheets, and have become a big part of the international scientific community since then (Archer and Rahmstorf 2010). Today, climate change is not only a scientific issue, but it has grown into an economic and political issue as well. The rising amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, most of which has been added through human activities, has caused a climb in the average temperatures around the planet. This can have huge effects on the future
The 21st century has begun with one of the most challenge security threats to the United States of America have had to face. The perils of climate change have the ability to impact the national interest concerning power, prosperity and peace. The continued challenges around the world, and domestically, it is critical the US implements a comprehensive grand strategy. Cooperative security gives the US the best possibility to achieve the goals that will lessen the effects and place the US ahead of the international agenda. Combating climate change will require successful policies such as international climate pacts, collective-action and cap and trade initiatives. In the past, we have seen the US shy away from such accords worried about the
The United States, as well as all other developed and developing countries, must chose the welfare of the earth over the huge amounts of money to be made by exploiting the earth 's riches. Our great country should become the leader in paving the way for a brighter and safer future for our next generations. The United States should also continue to develop treaties with other major countries such as China, Russia, and Japan to slow the poisoning of the earth 's air and water supply. We must act and invest now in new technologies which assist in detecting and proving theories such as global warming.
Some believe global warming isn't a man made problem, but just a cycle of ‘weather patterns’. For example, our now president -Donald J. Trump- doesn't consider climate change to a threat to the inhabitants of earth. Our president also said that global warming is a ‘hoax’.