
The Effects Of Desensitivity On College Students

Decent Essays

Every year about 17.3 million teenagers pack up their personal belongings and travel hours away from their hometown to attend a college or university and enroll in an undergraduate degree program. These unsuspecting teens begin a journey all on their own and are subsequently cloaked with various responsibilities. These mostly virginal students are thrown into a vast waste-pool of essays, freedom, homework, sex, drugs and confusion. Malcolm X once stated, “I imagine that one of the biggest troubles with colleges is there are too many distractions, too much panty-raiding, fraternities, and boola-boola and all of that” (The Autobiography of Malcom X). Malcolm X says this of course with humorous undertones, though he could not have been more precise. …show more content…

They spent 18 percent more time at school, 145 percent more time doing school work, and 168 percent more time shopping with parents. The researchers found that, including computer play, children in 1997 spent only about eleven hours per week at play” (Entin).
As the years pass children are spending less time being children and more time being serious. This has drastically destroyed their psyche. This decline in childhood play ties back to oversensitivity on college campuses today. The decline in play and rise is coddling as a child has stripped children from growing into confident adults. A student’s mental health in college is affected also by so many other factors, such as social standing, academic standing, or personal …show more content…

They are more focused on external pleasures. As stated earlier, finding peace within one’s self is the only true way to relieve one’s self of stress. When a person does find the correct balance between external and internal senses, their surroundings begin to reflect the sanctity that is within. There are multiple ways of finding inner peace, though I argue that transcendental meditation is the clearest way. Transcendental meditation is a technique for detaching oneself from anxiety and promoting harmony and self-realization by meditation. Transcendental meditation has made its way into the school system is proving to be an effective outlet for students to let go of their stress. “At Harvard, scientists using neuro-imaging technology showed how meditation positively affected the brain activity of the chronically stressed, a condition that the Benson-Henry Institute reports is related to more than 60 percent of all doctor’s visits” (Machado). Transcendental meditation is the best way to handle stress because it does not require anything really but silence.
“In an article for The San Francisco Chronicle, a UC Berkeley public policy professor wrote about the happiness survey and other changes at Visitacion Valley: ‘In the first year of Quiet Time, the number of suspensions fell by 45 percent. Within four years, the suspension rate was among the lowest

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