This paper examines the effects of different types of carbon taxes on the market share of different electricity generation technologies, particularly between renewable and fossil fuel generators. The Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) was used for this analysis because it includes detailed representations of the technologies in the electricity sector. Given a constraint on emissions or a certain carbon tax, GCAM will determine the least cost methods of supplying energy in different sectors. We found that the share of low-carbon generation will increase as the carbon tax increases and the share of renewables generally increases with the implementation of a carbon tax. Additionally, the timing of renewable market share
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GCAM is a dynamic-recursive model that utilizes a solution algorithm that is based on a market equilibrium. It consists of three core modules: a) Energy, b) Agriculture and land-use, and c) Model for Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change (MAGICC). “Regional population and labor productivity growth assumptions drive the energy and land-use systems employing numerous technology options” (JGCRI, n.d.). The “GDP is a simple labor-productivity model with an energy-GDP feedback elasticity” (JGCRI, 2014). Technology change is modeled using an autonomous energy efficiency index (AEEI) parameter.
The choice of generation mix of technologies in GCAM is based on a logit model, which includes the relative cost, logit exponents, and share weights of each technology. The logit approach controls the distribution of market share between technologies or fuels in response to price changes as represented by equation (1).
(1) Share(i) =swi .Ci-iswi .Ci- where Ciis the cost of the ith technology, swiis the share-weight of ith technology and is the logit exponent. A high valued logit exponent means that technology’s market shares are more responsive to changes in costs. The share weights are calibrated parameters based on the base
The prevalence and severity of extreme changes in climate will likely affect how much energy is produced, delivered and consumed all over the world. There?s pressure to produce more energy resources for the growing population that have been depleted by unsustainable production systems. Impetus to better manage nonrenewable energy resources must become part of market systems and signals that form decision making in energy resources.
As the global population increases and developing nations seek to emulate the consumer consumption of their Western counterparts, demand for fossil fuels and alternative energy sources continues to increase apace (Tracey et al, 2011). OPEC
The view concerning the diminishing supply of fossil fuel resources, along with the concerns that climate change is worsening, has prompted research and development of national energy policies and renewable energy sources. There have been minimal studies concerning the depletion of fossil fuels as well as nuclear fuels and the transition and development to renewable energy sources. This paper studies the depletion pattern, using models, of fossil and nuclear fuels. The studies show that oil depletion will be the first concern. Electric vehicles are promising and economical but at this point cannot overcome the need for oil. Biofuels are very limited in their production. The study shows that if the relationship between technology and an economy dependent on oil does not improve, world economic growth will be severely challenged. More ambitious energy policies are needed than just the benefits of technology for a smooth transition to happen.
CAP and Trade is a cost-effective method for reducing emissions. The world’s largest implementation of Greenhouse gas trading system is the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and they have been environmentally ineffective. The result of price crash non-stability in California and Quebec are also environmentally ineffective. In 2016, the emphasis was on EU ETS’s fourth phase (2021-2030) which was what the European Commission, presented changes for. The purpose of the presented changes is to bring the cap into line with the EU's 2030 objective, reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions to at least 40% nationally by 2030. The EU provides a better goal of free allocation rules and further supports low-carbon innovation and energy sector transformation. To meet the legal requirements and to compensate for excess pollution EU ETS should reduce GHG emissions, and buy emission allowances in the carbon market. They could also reduce GHG emissions
Renewable energy has currently become a significant aspect in the countries generation, combination, and a constitution focus of government policy for energy, and environmental protection. As a result of public’s growing responsibility for the environment and constantly binding rules, and regulations of emission in the electric power industry, government has facilitated policies to boost the amount of renewable energy in the electricity generation portfolio. Additionally, the generation of electricity from renewable resources creates insufficient, and frequently, zero emissions of pollutants that comes from traditional fossil fuel production technologies. The additional use of renewable energy aids utilities in their emission agreement obligations. Furthermore, the anticipation of agreement with any future carbon emissions management would further toughen the incentive to move towards cleaner electricity creating technologies (Langwith, 2009).
The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we introduce the modern condition of Canada’s energy consumption and the economic benefits. Second, we define and analyze the projections of Canada’s future with respect to the renewable energy frontier. The demand for Energy across the globe has drastically increased since the Industrial revolution. From coal to steam, all the way to electricity and nuclear energy, modern economies and industries rely on sustainable sources of energy to produce their desired output levels (Zelby 2002). Ontario, and Canada in general are on the frontier of energy production and sustainability with regards to smart grid technologies and so forth (Ontario Energy Plan). Canada specializes in many of the
The framework used in this note is organized around the estimates of industry demand, market share, costs, and performance. All data
The International Energy Agency’s (IEA’s) preliminary estimate of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2015 reveals that emissions stayed flat compared with the year before, whereas the global economy grew (3). The IEA noted that “There have been only four periods in the past 40 years in which CO2 emission levels were flat or fell compared with the previous year, with three of those—the early 1980s, 1992, and 2009—being associated with global economic weakness. By contrast, the recent halt in emissions growth comes in a period of economic growth.”
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution machinery and surface temperatures have been on the rise. Some may argue that the increasing temperatures are strictly due to the rise of machinery and less strict efficiency standards. The U.S has been debating what methods are efficient for combating increasing emissions some argue that a carbon tax has many positive impacts some say if one were to be adopted they would need reforms. This paper will dive deep into the the effects of climate of change and whether or not a carbon tax can fully help to decrease these emissions.
Over the years, the global environmental crisis has worsened. Large scale political action is necessary in order for change to occur. Politicians and environmentalists have previously turned to solutions surrounding cap and trade or carbon tax legislation. However, with every solution, whether it be cap and trade, or carbon taxes, comes pros and cons. Those who favor cap and trade value its long term environmental promises, economic incentives (allowances and allowance auctions), and efficiency. On the other hand, those appreciate carbon taxes because of their simplicity, promising tax revenue, and market certainty. Fans of cap and trade and carbon taxes, like David Victor and Avi-Yonah & Uhlmann respectively, view their favored strategy
On the same note, the energy revolution spoken of above brings forth another advance in the ongoing global climate situation. The nature of the Kyoto Protocol calls for nations to increase research and eventually semi-convert their energy usage to accommodate for cleaner energy. Products such as solar power, wind power, biomass, geothermal power, and hydropower are now widely being studying to create processes that use less coal, oil, and natural gas in production. Altogether the results have
The most of global energy production produces from fossil fuel such as coal, oil and natural gas. The vast fossil fuels generate energy which use for many purposes for instant residential, transportation and industrial sectors. While the rate consumption of fossil fuel higher than their formation leads to oil price crisis. Another concern of fossil fuel combustion is the impact on the environment. Global warming is a significant problem which results in increasing concentrations of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. These problems drive researchers and societies to search alternative energy such as switching to renewable energy or carbon-free energy to replace fossil fuels. For example Nakata et al., (2011:465) show ‘low-carbon society’
Energy is a critical component for every economy and society around the world. Energy is divided into two groups, nonrenewable (coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear) with a finite amount found around the globe and renewable (hydro, tidal, solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass) that are constantly being replenished so that they will never run out (Green Energy Choice, 2011). The international economic impact of renewable energy is explored by examining subsidies, strategic policies, and comparative advantage of renewable energy.
The year is 2015 – and all of the cars are zipping around in the air, Jetsons-style, due to a “hover conversion” (Back to the Future Part II). That is how the 1989 movie, Back to the Future, Part II envisioned our world would be like in 2015. Even though that theory was proven wrong by time, the race for fuel of the future is on. With an unstable market for oil and over exploitation of fossil fuels, it will not be long before humanity will face a crisis in the near future, desperate for an alternative fuel. Are countries working towards a “greener future”, or are they making things worse? A look into some of the alternate fuels being researched and analysis of their stock markets brings forth some interesting data. There needs to be a significant growth in the market for renewable fuels and it is not possible without changing the current market structure.
If the climate change without any effort to continue, we can reduce a real economic costs. The effects of climate change will lead to a larger economic instability in the world. The solution is the reduction in the use of fuels. A form is in the processing of fuels, on the path of renewable energies. To reduce demand, there are a number of solutions, but the most available is used to increase the cost of the emissions of carbon monoxide by taxes. However, the increase in the costs to ensure that the changes of any taxes or charges is damaged the economic outlook. To reduce demand, there are a number of solutions, but the most available is used to increase the cost of the emissions of carbon monoxide by taxes. However, the increase in the costs to ensure that the changes of any taxes or charges is damaged the economic outlook.