
The Effects Of Emotional Intelligence On Health Care Professionals

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Empathy is used to describe a wide range of experiences. It is the “capacity” to share and understand other people’s emotions and another’s “state of mind”. Empathy is being able to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling while maintaining a state of vulnerability to one’s previous experiences, biases, and emotions. Empathy is a very powerful concept that is often misunderstood or discounted for its importance, especially for health care professionals. The use of empathy, vulnerability, and compassion are traits that can be learned, and it determines someone’s emotional intelligence. This paper will discuss the major concepts, history, and definitions of emotional intelligence. Furthermore, it will delve into the application in nursing practice, my own personal practice, as well as how it has led to my personal growth. Utilizing the leadership role of emotional intelligence allows nurses and other professionals to become vulnerable in their practice in order to build strong connections, relationships, and most importantly, to become more connected with themselves. This leadership role will set us up for success in order to create an environment for optimal functioning, and to achieve the desired therapeutic results for our patients.
History, Background, Definitions, and Major Concepts It wasn’t until the year 1920 that different types of intelligence were defined. It was proposed by a man named EL Thorndike, and he separated the different types of

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