
The Effects Of Homelessness On A Child 's Mental State

Decent Essays

Imagine seeing a six-year-old child on the street with tears streaming from his immense, pitiful eyes hoping that one day he can attend school, live in a house, or even get a chance to play with toys. Children’s early experiences shape who they are and affect lifelong health and learning. However, a homeless child lacks opportunities such as safe and stable housing, nurturing and responsive parenting, as well as high-quality learning opportunities from home and school. Thus, it is clear that homelessness has negative developmental effects on a child mentally, socially, and academically.
Firstly, homelessness has an impact on a child’s mental state. For children to grow, learn, and master the developmental tasks of childhood, they must be physically and emotionally healthy. A homeless child is raised without the constant nurture of parents, because many parents are pre-occupied with tending to the family’s housing problems or taking care of themselves. Author Ellen Hart-Shegos (1999) states that homeless children are at “increased risk for mental health problems due to high levels of stress and trauma they experience.” Homeless children are in a constant state of worry and are scared about having no place to live or sleep. The endless anxiety and concern can “stress their developing systems, including lack of sleep, hunger, and increased levels of stress hormones.” (Smith, 2010) Eventually, a child can become depressed from anxiety and the stress to the body. Homeless

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