
The Effects Of Hurricane Katrina On The United States

Decent Essays

Sometimes it takes a natural disaster to reveal a social disaster-(Quinn, 2006)
The above quote was spoken by a Mr. Jim Willis and quoted by the Washington Post. It summarized perfectly how a natural disaster has the ability to unmask the disparities of society. On August 29th, 2005, a moment in American history was being created. This moment has come to be known as Hurricane Katrina. Her high wind speeds and three days of endless rain led to numerous deaths and astronomical amounts of damages for the residents of Louisiana and Mississippi. Although her terror only lasted for three taunting days, just like the residue she left behind, she also left residents with emotional, physical, and psychosocial scars.
The onset of Hurricane Katrina proved to be the very element that separated the economically challenged residents of New Orleans from financially stable residents. The residents who resided in the suburbs were able to evacuate early because of accessibility to more resources. Inner city residents were forced to wait on the arrival of Katrina. This ideology of the residents and the authorities led to a reactive approach being employed in efforts to save inner city residents. Although the efforts did save some residents, the emotional blow had already been received and soon would be reopen with the acceptance of less than adequate rescue accommodations. According to Jacqueline Rhoads, Faye Mitchell, and Susan Rick (2006)
Hurricane Katrina only added to the stress of the

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