
The Effects Of Interpersonal Trauma And Disruption Of Caregiving Systems On The Development Of Affect Regulation

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Developmental Trauma or Developmental Psychopathology researched by Maughan & Cicchetti (2002) report on the consequences of interpersonal trauma and disruption of caregiving systems on the development of affect regulation, attention, cognition, perception, and interpersonal relationships. Şar (2014: 171-179) states that research into patients with dissociatve disorders report the highest prevalance of childhood abuse and/or neglect of all mental health disorders and asserts that dissociation can result from deep-rooted developmental stress. This project will concentrate on the links in developmental trauma with the forming of dissociative traits and discuss whether dissociation is essentially related to the developing self. An in depth look at what is developmental trauma and the aetiology of dissociation will be covered. Using clinical examples, the implications for clinical practice in child psychotherapy will be considered. There is not scope here to look at each dissociative phenomena in great depth so this project will concentrate on dissociation as a whole.
Developmental Trauma, the Key Aspects
Trauma or traumata as described in Rycroft (1995) ‘are experiences which disrupt or pervert development.’ They define it as ‘any unexpected experience which the subject is unable to assimilate.’ Developmental, or as it is sometimes called, complex trauma, is concerned with a child’s prolonged exposure to traumatic events such as, neglect, abuse, abandonment, violence and

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