
The Effects Of Long Term Use Of A Computer On Median, Ulnar And Radial Sensory Nerves

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In the journal article “Influence of long term use of a computer on median, ulnar and radial sensory nerves in wrist region”, a study was done between computer users and none computer users. The result showed that the nerves that are located in the wrist region (ulnar and median nerves) gets damaged even without and neurological dysfunctions, just because the wrist part is being extended while typing or using the mouse (Bamac, Belgin, et al., 1033.) on the website of U.S. library of medicine it is stated that ulnar nerve damage can cause complications like deformity of hand, partial or complete loss of hand/wrist movement or sensation in hand/fingers etc. This is just one of the few health problems that we are facing or about to face as a new big problems if we keep using computers limitless. Another way the computers hurts a student is by hurting their capability to focus on study while working through a computer. Teens tend to have very playful mind and it’s already hard for them to focus on boring thing like study. So when they are in front of the computer screen, how can you expect them to pay their 100 percent attention to study? Plus they have the Internet and growing social media uses and gaming just lights up the fire more. So, why we allow them to be in front of the computer for study? Is that become so impossible to make the kids study without the use of a computer? Some people say it’s easy and entertaining way to study for the kids and they learn better. Agreed.

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