
Child Obesity Research Essay

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Child Obesity Having obese children is a problem. The question resumes, why? Are children less active? Are they not eating the right things? Or are they a product of their parents lifestyle? Whatever the answer maybe, we must find it quick. Obesity in children Is becoming an epidemic. And the African American population is leading the way. According to WE Can!, a program of the National Institutes of health 31.7 percent of children between the age of 2-19 years old are overweight or obese. Including an African American population of 35.9 percent. This number is more than the 29.3 percent that represent the White children in the same age category. Following my intital research on Child Obesity, I found a study, by (Young-Hyman, Herman, Scott, Schlundt, 1999), examined the care giver perception of children’s obesity. The method od this study screen 111 families in a diabetes prevention study. Care givers completed a health awareness questionnaire that assessed their perception of the child’s weight, eating habits, appearance, exercise habits, and health risk. Additionally, the care givers gave each participant’s family history of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. The results supported that 44% of the care givers saw their child’s weight to be a problem. The substantial number of parents who saw their child’s weight as a problem is deveasting. Parents are not adjusting their childrens lifestyle, and consequently a change in lifestyle will be more difficlut

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