
The Effects Of Smoking Ban On Employees And Passive Smokers At Work Place And Home

Best Essays

Investigating the effects of Workplace Smoking Ban
Investigating the effects of Workplace Smoking Ban 1
Aim and Objectives 1
Literature Review / Research Background 2
Research Rationale 3
Learning Outcomes 3
Study Design 4
Type of Study 4
Type of Design 4
Data Types 4
Ethics 5
Risk 5
Required Resources 5
Research Time Frame 5
References 6

Aim and Objectives
The kay aim of the research is to investigate the effects of smoking ban at work place on employees and these effects may include health effects (employees and passive smokers) and any change in employees’ behaviour and smoking habits.
This research aim will achieved with the help of the following specific objectives
• To investigate the health effects of workplace smoking ban on employees and passive smokers at work place and home
• To critical analyse if workplace smoking ban encourage people to quit smoking
• To critically analyse if workplace smoking create any work related issues at work place
• To make recommendations for making workplace smoking ban successful

Literature Review / Research Background
Workplace smoking ban is one of the important tobacco control policy and have a very mix effects at work place. In the past few years many European countries have banned smoking at workplace. It has been started from Ireland and Netherlands in 2004.
In literature there are many positive views among researchers about the workplace smoking ban. For example a study conducted by Trosclair et al

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