
The Effects Of Television On Children 's Decision Of Underage Drinking Essay

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What would you do if you were to find out, that just by watching an advertisement on television, it can lead you to drug problems, health issues, or even death? With this, alcohol distributors poison the mind of the young and make them believe that drinking can really bring all the pleasures portrayed in the advertisements, like the beach parties, celebrations, and fun at sporting events Alcohol, that may be consumed, has been a very important aspect of the world. Many people enjoy being able to have the feeling you receive when they do drink any form of alcohol. Alcohol advertising influences not only adults but teens and children who are too young to purchase it. Parents have a large impact on children 's decision to drink, but marketing also has a greater impact on the children 's decision of underage drinking. Not only is the consumption bad for children, but it is also unhealthy for adults. Alcohol advertisements are advertising a person to kill themselves, because the consumption of alcohol will not end on a happy note. Alcohol companies spends so much money advertising their product through television, that almost every person in america watches. Alcohol companies see the money in youth and continue to advertise it to gain more control on the youth. Alcohol companies target the youth to drink it. They also see people they look up to such as role models that may drink alcohol which makes them think it is okay for them to drink. Advertising alcohol should not be

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