
The Effects of Goals on Individual Behaviors in the Workplace

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Over the last five decades, researchers such as Edwin Locke and Gary Latham have greatly developed a theory regarding the effects of goals on individual behaviors in the workplace. This concept, called the goal-setting theory, is now one of the most researched and well-developed theories of work motivation. Within the goal-setting theory, it states that there are four ways in which goals affect behavior. These include mobilizing individual’s energy and effort, directing attention toward goal-relevant actions, enabling persistency, and motivating strategy development (Locke & Latham, 2006). In order for these goals to be most effective, there are some necessary conditions in which must be met. More specifically, researchers have found that the highest motivation, and thus best possible performance, is obtained by individuals when their set goals are specific and difficult, when the individual is fully committed to reaching those goals, and when feedback of progress is given (Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981). (THESIS?! Talk about the three major parts or how connects to real life situation??)
The first major discovery that research found regarding the goal-setting theory is that, for performance to be improved, goals should be both difficult and specific. Firstly, goals will be the most effective, and therefore most motivating, when they are difficult because they require greater cognitive effort to attain. By forcing the individual to come up with task-relevant

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