Zach Nelson
Instructor: Peter Shea
Class: Composition II ENC 1102
December 7, 2012
The Negative Effects of Pornography on Society
The opinion of most people today is that pornography is harmless and that there are no real harmful effects that result from it. The truth is, we all can be affected by pornography, and the sexual messages our society is exposed to. Pornography and the messages it conveys have a direct effect in shaping attitudes and encouraging behavior that can harm, not only individuals who view it but also their families as well. Pornography is often viewed in secret, which creates deception within marriages that can lead to divorce in some cases. When one develops a lifestyle dedicated to pornography, they
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2) These statistics are proof that pornography does play a part in rape. Susan Gubar, author of Depictions of Female Violation, states: through the transformation from image to act and act to image, we become lost in a world of mirrors that teaches us to see women as the willing, desirous, and deserving slaves of punitive masters.
Every day we see ads in magazines and commercials on television that display vivid pictures that are used to catch your eye. This form of advertising is used because society finds such displays compelling. These images can have an effect on ones attitude as well as their way of thinking, which has a direct result in the behavioral choices they make.
Another effect of pornography is its destruction to relationships. I have witnessed many marriages break up due to the Husbands insatiable addiction to porn. This is also an end result for many Boyfriends and Girlfriends that have been in long term relationships. There is a Quote by Naomi Wolfe: “The reason to turn off the porn might become, to thoughtful people, not a moral one but, in a way, a physical- and emotional-health one; you might want to rethink your constant access to porn in the same way that, if you want to be an athlete, you rethink your smoking. The evidence is in: Greater supply of the stimulant equals diminished capacity.”
Yes, obsession with sex certainly isn't good for a society as a
Another information I learned from organizations that want pornography to be abolished created porn addiction as a deterrent for online pornography viewing. They created these diseases as abstinence for sexual behaviors, which made abstinence even more
To begin, pornography has addictive characteristics and because of those characteristics intimate relationships often suffer. Today, men and women tend to become addicted to watching pornography and use it to masturbate. It has been proven that “problematic pornography is characterized by a predominant urge for behavioral engagement, referred to as a craving” (Allen 67). If both parties of a relationship have this urge or craving for pornography, this could cause their relationship to suffer. The sexual act lacks love and intimacy and becomes mechanical or second natured. Pornography has been compared to addiction and people who are addicted enable each other. Therefore, there is no
Antiporn feminism (here on, APF) limit their definition of pornography to inegalitarian pornography, namely "sexually explicit representations that as a whole eroticise relations characterised by gender inequality” (Eaton 2007: 676). This effectively excludes genres such as gay pornography, or violent pornography (with the absence of inegalitarian representations). For the sake of this argument those genres are not considered. Firstly it is important to note the range of harms that antiporn writers address and the ones we will look at. Production harms - such as coercion and abuse in the making of pornography are not considered in this argument. Antiporn feminists focus on post production harms - specifically the harm that exposure to pornography causes. Other antiporn writers note that pornography is also harmful as hate speech however we focus only on the former harm. The harm that this argument outlines is always indirect, in a sentence the Harm Hypothesis shows that pornography shapes 'attitudes and
As a matter of fact, those individuals with damaging thoughts are the ones that watch and produce pornography. Additionally, “exposure to obscene material correlates with increased rapes, prostitution, child molestation, violent crime, the abuse of women, and sex addiction in men” (Hacker 5). Many of these correlations are a result of ideas that pornography planted in minds. Pornography alone does not cause people to commit a sexual crime, but it affects minds enough to influence people to act in an unethical way.
Levine (2010) defines an addict and their behaviors when “they are sometimes expensive in economic, psychologic, and social terms. They may persist despite negative consequences. The patient may not be able to stop the behavior when he or she states that goal.” The introduction of the internet has opened a whole new world to many sex addicts. In the online world, a person can find easy access to pornography including specific types that are tailored to individual interests (Levine, 2010; Weir, 2014). Studies have shown that pornography is viewed often. Weir (2014) cites several studies showing that more than 50% of all men and more than 30% of women view it on a regular basis. The debate is whether or not pornography causes harm to those who view it.
Virtual pornography is a menacing fixation. Specifically, the high levels of dopamine released whilst viewing porn establishes a negative compulsive desire for more in the future. This repetitive impulse may lead to a detrimental effect known as erectile dysfunction. Additionally, this uncontrollable addiction may affect real-life relationships and intimacy by compelling them to be regarded as tedious. Viewing myriad quantities of pornographic material is a menacing obsession and addiction that critically alters actuality's passionate connections, may more than likely result in erectile dysfunction, and detrimentally develops an abundant amount of dopamine that reconstructs watchers’ brains.
Pornography shows people as sex objects. For people who fear they aren't sexually adequate, this is scary. “The social myth covering this personal fear is that consumers of pornography will begin to see all men or women that way. This naive, inaccurate assumption also denies the healthy dynamic of lovers agreeing to objectify each other during their sexual (M K)." Pornography shows people experimenting via sex. This is a scary concept for those who fear that their experimenting can lead to trouble. Pornography invites viewers to stimulate their inner sexual feelings. Pornography also encourages acting on natural lustful instincts. It also depicts many of their fantasies are deemed as taboo in the standards set forth by society. By censoring pornography, such people feel they are keeping others out of danger, but in fact they are really suppressing others though of sexual fantasies and query. So in a culture where people learn to fear their own sexuality, sex appears to require censorship if it is sex for pleasure, healing, or
Pornography has many obvious as well as not-so-obvious consequences within society. Pornography has the power to ruin marriages, destroy trust, excite a person to the point of sexual crime, or create an unhealthy view of human sexuality and the opposite sex.” (WowEssays, Pornography)
Just like how it took decades for society to understand that smoking was harmful, we are learning and understanding more and more that pornography is dangerous. Pornography has the power to twist and rewire how your brain operates. Your brain’s functions will be less connected, less active, and even smaller in some areas. The brain is constantly rewiring itself and laying down new nerve connections. The neural pathways that are being made because of porn are only reinforced and become stronger every time there is usage. This is why pornography can be seen as an addictive process. Pornography also has the ability to be extremely addictive to some and is also just as bad, if not worse than drug use.
Pornography can physically change the brain. In the past few decades, a discovery has been found to have a better understanding of how the brain functions in what is called neuroplasticity, with “nuero” meaning the brain and “plasticity” meaning changeability (Doidge, preface). Doidge referenced this as to the brain playing a never-ending game of Tetris, always making new paths to one’s experience. Alongside the discovery of the neuroplasticity, it was found that pornography fills the brain with dopamine (Hilton, 2013, 5). Dopamine is a “chemical in your brain that affects your emotions, movements and your sensations of pleasure and pain” (Sorensen, 2015). With this dopamine chemical, it causes one’s emotions to run all over the place, and as time goes on, the more pornography one watches, the brain fights against the dopamine receptors (Watts and Hilton, 2011) and ultimately the pornography no longer seems to arouse, so one will search for more hard-core pornography to get the arousal feeling back (Angres and Bettinardi–Angres, 2008).
My first question was how pornograpgy changes the mind and why people find it entertaining. One thing I found was an interview with Ted Bundy about the effects of porn and how they manipulate the brain of people ( After watching this video its really weird to see someone as mentally ill as Ted Bundy talk to society and warn people about the effects that pornography can have. I interviewed one of my friends. She attends college in Moorhead. She told me that although she didn't have an addiction to viewing pornography, she has heard and known people who have and could possibly have had an addiction to it. She also stated “I don't think it becomes an unhealthy thing until you go too far and let it consume you. That's when it can become an addiction”. Bundy stressed that nowadays and even 20-30 years ago that it was everywhere and that even children aren't safe in their homes because it is so accessible. One thing that should concern society is that back when Ted was a child he didn't have technology, and with today's technology it is so accessible to anyone and it can be so private that no one would be able to tell if a kid or anyone was addicted to it.
Pornography is commonly used in many cultures across the world. Within the United States, alone, roughly 40 million people regularly visit porn sites (Streep, 2014). And yet, despite its growing popularity, only a handful of studies have explored pornography’s potential effects on sexual satisfaction for those in exclusive relationships (Bridges & Morokoff, 2011; Daneback et al., 2009; Maddox et al., 2011; Stewart & Szymanski, 2012; Stulhofer et al., 2010; Zillmann & Bryant, 1988). As using pornography can potentially have negative effects on both the user’s and their intimate partner’s sexual satisfaction, it is important to
For many years there has been a lot of arguments about the ethical and morality of pornography. pornography is defined as the depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement. When it coms down to pornography, people have different opinions about it. Some people might find it moral because it gives them pleasure and it satisfies them physically. some individuals see it as a form of art that describes the figure of a human body in an artistic form. Others see it as immoral because it harms and degrades an individual. Personally I believe that it all depends how pornography is conducted and how we respond to it. It can be morally healthy that we like it because it makes us happy, such as it helps with your marriage relationship in intimacy, and it can be immoral when it is used in an unhealthy that we do not like it because hurts an innocent person.
Pornography is a sin that has catastrophic in its effect on the state of men and women in the United States. In 2016 alone, “more than 4,599,000,000 hours of porn were consumed on the world’s largest porn site (Lazzaro, 2017).” This statistic is shocking, in that, one year only has 8760 hours in it for one individual. That means that these hours would make up 5,246 centuries of time spent watching pornography in one year. These numbers are astronomical, and porn continues to create billions of dollars in revenue with some numbers estimating that in 2016 the porn industry as a whole took in 97 billion dollars worldwide (Fredrickson 2007). But why is pornography bad? Clearly there is a large market for it that is being met, but why is this a
My first question was how pornograpgy changes the mind and why people find it entertaining. One thing I found was an interview with Ted Bundy about the affects of porn and how they manipulate the brain of people ( After watching this video its really weird to see someone as mentally ill as Ted Bundy talk to society and warn people about the effects that pornography can have. I interviewed one of my friends. She attends college in Moorhead. She told me that although she didn't have an addiction to viewing pornography, she has heard and known people who have and could possibly have had an addiction to it. She also stated “I don't think it becomes an unhealthy thing until you go too far and let it consume you. That's when it can become an addiction”. Bundy stressed that nowadays and even 20-30 years ago that it was everywhere and that even children aren't safe inside their homes because it is so accessible. One thing that should concern society is that back when Ted was a child he didn't have technology, and with today's technology it is so accessible to anyone and it can be so private that no one would be able to tell if a kid or anyone was addicted to it.