
The Effects of Working Overseas of Filipino Parents on the Academic Performance of Their Children

Better Essays


by Pascual, Kristelle D.

March 21, 2012


As experienced by many Filipino children like me nowadays, separation from one of our parents results to a very great impact in our lives. Unlike any other children with both parents present at home, raising us up needs more effort and careful attention since that there is only one attending parent. The temporary single parent at home must have the ability to handle things very well—from raising children up to the accomplishing of household chores, and even to the budgeting of resources, like money and time. Fortunately, as for me who have witnessed such, I can say that my mother …show more content…

Mothers rarely go outside of the country to look for work opportunities without being driven by the deep necessity of the family financially, or else, the children are more likely to question their motives (Parreñas, 2006). The only time that mothers pursue working overseas must be when they badly need money to support the family that both of the parents must go, the father is incapable of working, or the mother is a single parent.

The Situation of Family Members after Separation

As an effect of the economic problem, parents, mostly fathers, choose to work abroad to support the needs of their family. Therefore, in every decision made, there is always separation afterwards, and it always, has an effect on the family members:

• On the Migrant parent:

The decision is the first hard thing to do. Leaving the family means missing important events and giving up being in the actual growing up of his/her children. It requires absence to meeting the daily emotional needs of the family. Furthermore, the hardest is when this parent encounters problems—may it be in health, financial, or work—he/she has to face them alone. The person has to be strong emotionally especially when feeling homesick. The parent should focus also on the goal of meeting the needs of his/her family, so that his/her convictions will not sway when distractions come on his /her family.

• On the Non-migrant parent:

The pressure of raising the children

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