
The Emergence Of Social Web Essay

Decent Essays

The emergence of social web has changed the World Wide Web. This new concept was introduced in 1996 by Rheingold. In addition of the principle aim of the web that consists of an open access to information, the second generation of Web applications, Web 2.0 applications, has allowed for users to communicate effectively with each other. Hence, the web transformed from a web where most users were consumers passively viewing website (i.e. information) to a more active and participatory actors. Users are now consumers and contributors of information, so, the web has been transformed from a hypertext environment to a “web of people” environment that connects family, friends and colleagues enabling them to share different type of information. This paradigm has resulted to a new medium of communication known as User Generated Content (UGC) where users made together a substantial effort to publish and produce their own content in different ways and with various formats to enrich the web experience. This content can be produced with various formats that depends on the social media stream used, it cover (i) materials that users make available through blog, wiki and social media sharing services (e.g. YouTube , Instagram , etc); (ii) feedback such as comments, review, rates; (iii) and social network data including public profiles, social network structure and user interactions. Given the amount of information produced in social media platforms, new challenges were raised, which are

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