
The End Of Racism: Annotated Bibliography

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Chandler, M., Wilson, J. C. (2012). The explicit gospel. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
The Explicit Gospel is a true eye opener with life changing implications, a modern day constitution of the Christian faith. This piece of literature adds a valuable Christian perspective with convicting truths that have been overlooked by Christians and many Christian institutions throughout our nation. The principles in this book will compel any American citizen to reevaluate their Christocentric worldview.
Collins, L., & Barnes, S. L. (2014). Observing privilege: Examining race, class, and gender in health and human service organizations. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and
Psychology, 6(1), 61
This article illuminated the myth of white privilege …show more content…

The author mentions several major incidents that served as catalyst to the uprising of activist who speak out against the aforementioned and the he challenges the church to step up and be the salt and light to the world. He highlights four biblical traits we as a church should display in the face of such circumstances.
D'Souza, D. (1995). The End of Racism: Principles for a Multiracial Society; Simon & Schuster
The End of Racism is a highly controversial piece of literature because of some the views race relations in America, but as challenging as it is to accept there are many valid points discussed in its reading. The author is a critically acclaimed best seller and a well-respected conservative Christian figure. His views in the end of racism, at times, seemed extremely one sided, but at other times provides valuable insight form a different perspective. Dinesh D’Souza and some of his views in this book are an excellent example for why I’m writing on this topic.
Duriez, B., & Hutsebaut, D. (2000). The relation between religion and racism: the role of post- critical beliefs. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 3(1), …show more content…

R. (2014). Racist America: Roots, current realities, and future reparations (3rd ed.).
New York: Routledge.
In Racist America author Joe Feagin confronts the passive attitude, held by many in the Anglo culture in America, towards racism. This is the third edition of the title specifically revised for undergraduate and graduate use in studies. It deals in depth with the historical, political and economic foundations of racism and white supremacy. It adds a rich breath of knowledge on the subject matter, and an expert knowledge in addressing the issues we will be discussing throughout the writing.
Feagin, J. R. (2013). Systemic racism: A theory of oppression. New York: Routledge.
Systemic Racism sheds light on one of the most commonly referenced forms of racism in America today. Joe Feagin highlights several relevant points that contribute to discussion on the racial divide we see in our nation today. This work specifically targets societal and institutional manifestations of systemic racism, and the dual perspectives on subjects like slavery, legal segregation, and the contemporary racial realities we see

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